Platinum Jubilee

I think previously where someone has been suspended a decision on issue has been delayed pendingAn the outcome of the disciplinary process.

This is the police one for the diamond jubilee but pretty sure the military one would be similar.

The precedence I am going by is what my wing and 2 others I know well did in 2012.

If you were NEP in feb or had insufficient service due NEP, you didn’t qualify.

If you were suspended, the award decision was made later.

If you had been suspended with action subsequently taken (but not dismissed), the time you were suspended was deemed as NEP as you were suspended due to a proven issue.

I can only go by the precedence of these 3 Wings from 2012.

Suggest we all stop worrying about it.
Will be what it will be.

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I see that as being like comparing apples and oranges…
Military, or even RAFAC, personnel unable to be on normal duty because they’ve been injured is not the same as someone deciding “I haven’t got time for the RAFAC right now so, I’m going NEP until my life situation settles down again”.
They might both be “still in” but one has made the active decision to step away from their volunteer service.


It’s a chocolate coin medal, does it really matter?


I’m going to be the guy to say that I’ve never really liked that line and I don’t think it’s fair.

It’s not a campaign medal. Sure. It’s not a long service medal. Indeed.
It’s not earned in the same way… Nobody considers it to be the same. But it’s a valid medal. A gift from Her Majesty in celebration of a milestone in her reign, given to various people who serve their communities and the Nation at large. Personally, I feel that calling it a chocolate medal is a touch disrespectful.

For the record, I wish that CIs were eligible too. They provide just as valuable a service to the Nation as uniformed CFAVs, or indeed any of the other roles eligible for the medal.


May be a chocolate medal for you, I’m still disappointed that I won’t be entitled to it.

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Sounds like local issue. I know several wings (including mine) who have done this.

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I see that the suppliers all have Miniatures and Ribbon in stock.

From a mounting pint of view, for those who only have a single medal should it be court mounted or swing mounted? Someone asked me the other day at work and I can’t remember what I did when I only had the one.

If they only have 1 then wear the medal on its own and open the button on the number 1 if male to stop it knocking.

Swing mounting I’ve always found strange, worth the extra to court mount.

I’ve always thought that a single court mounted medal looks odd but that’s just personal taste.

Based on the last Medal they come on short ribbons and need to be mounted one way or another before they can be worn.

I agree that a signed court mounted medal looks weird, was just wondering if it was written somewhere or if there was a convention, I can’t see anything in Debretts which is my usual resource.

as far as i am aware it is personal preference there is nothing written down, medals can be either.

however to jump off the fence, in my experience those with one medal leave it in the Swing as it can be attached as it was received.
only upon a second medal being awarded to people consider mounting properly and most (if not all) choose court mounting - they look neater (imo at least) and being “fixed” are less likely to knock and thus damage (chip) the neighbouring medal as they be definition don’t swing as the wearer walks/marches along

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Court mounted; looks smarter, even with just the one.


Just a random thought/musing after watching the wheel tonight on Tele.

Are the honorary ambassadors also eligible for the jubilee medal? Not sure if they would qualify under the criteria or not.

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We’ll own is a serving Officer so she will be fine, and is the other technically classed as a CFAV? I’m sure I’ve seen photos of her at activities with Cadets with no other members of staff (granted they might’ve been staff cadets). If she’s a uniformed CFAV and she’s done the 5 years I don’t see why she wouldn’t get it.

Willing to bet vorders hasn’t sat through the fire training powerpoint


I know that honorary service doesn’t count toward the CFM so I would guess that the same applies for the jubilee ones.

Do people like Honorary Colonels in Chief get them?

If they are members of the Royal Household then yes

Neither ambassadors are serving officers.