Platinum Jubilee

Sorry. I don’t write the rules.
If I did. All volunteers would get one.

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It’s not really a volunteering medal - in fact most people who get it won’t have got it for volunteering, but for doing their day job - ie Regular HM Forces, Police, Fire Fighters and Ambulance crews. MoD Civil Servants connected with the Cadet Forces don’t get it, normal civil servants don’t get it. It’s just a quirk that as uniformed CFAVs we fall under the categories that can be awarded it.

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Please see my post here - Platinum Jubilee - #89 by Squadgy

I’m aware of a adult Sgt who will be testing this point and is already talking to his WExO to try and see if the DIN for QPJM is identical in its wording.

Only 2 things will possibly come from that.

  1. They will be put back in their box.
  2. The MOD realises a cost saving and scraps the medal for all uniformed CFAVs also.

Sadly, there is no way CIs will recieve this medal.

They are not a CI, they are a uniformed CFAV.

They have not accrued five years service in a uniform role, but have way more that five years service (they vast majority of which were as a CI).

According the the black and white of the QDJM DIN, and if the wording remains the same for the QPJM, they should receive the medal - Nowhere does it state CI service does not count as long as they are in uniformed service on the requisite date - That is point they have raised through formal channels.

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Well. I for one would be very happy for them if they get it.
Again. I believe all CFAVs within the cadet forces should.

Please report back when you hear the outcome. :+1:


I’m pretty sure if this could have been tested under the diamond jubilee it would have as VRT officers had the service complaint mechanism to challenge.

If it is successful then a few would be able to claim the diamond jubilee on same grounds.

It would be nice if they could recognise CI service in some way such as it accumulates at half rate to a maximum of six years (I…e. Twelve years as a CI) should the individual go into uniform. It always baffles me how cadet post 18 service is included but not CI service.


Hold up - Over 18 Cadet Service isn’t included in Jubilee medal criteria, only for CFM isn’t it?

O18 cadet service is not included.

Only 5 years continuous adult uniformed cfav service, also having been in adult uniformed service on the jubille date in feb 2022.

So anyone who leaves before then. Nope.
Anyone without 5 whole years service. Nope.
Anyone who doesn’t meet the 5 whole years due service breaks (including NEP and suspensions). Nope.

… if HQAC had any balls. They would suspend every uniformed staff member who simply hasnt got their mandatory training or BPSS completed yet.

Those who cant even complete this most basic of tasks after over 2 years notice now, just dont meet the grade.

Give them to CIs who work hard and have bothered to get their mandatory training done!

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Activating… controversy mode…

Has that been confirmed or in writing; service personnel dont have NEP, so it’s automatic to receive the medal as long as they have done the 5 years service

That’s what happened for the diamond jubillee in my wing…

NEP doesnt count towards the CFM. Why would it count towards the jubillee?

Also… we are volunteers hence why we have NEP.
Regulars cant have such a thing… for obvious reasons.


The DIN for the QDJM says

(1) Basic Criteria. A total of 5 training years effective volunteer service, i.e. from 1 April to 31 March (not necessarily continuous)

Ok. It doesnt restart the 5 years.
I wasnt clear on that. Have edited post above to make clear.

But time spent suspended or NEP does not count. Just as for the CFM.

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I mean… could you imagine…

A uniformed cfav getting the QPJM with 2 of the 5 years being in NEP…

Or even more if they took 2 or 3 separate blocks of NEP.

Would make a complete mockery of the criteria.

You will never find a criteria that fits every eventuality.

What about service personnel who has been seriously injured, but still in; they are still eligible, not been fully active :man_shrugging:t2:

That’s different to suspended or NEP in the cadets.

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Suspended is one thing but being NEP, you are ‘still in’ but non effective, as is someone who is injured :man_shrugging:t2:

Suspended is usually suspended without prejudice however, so why would a person who has potentially been suspended and then has NFAa taken due to them having done nothing wrong be missed out?