Platinum Jubilee

Talking of the Royal Household its interesting to see that the eligibility for Royal Staff is 1 Years Service.

But Its Her Majesties Medal so I guess its up to her to decide the rules for her own staff I guess.

For ourselves though Still no guarantee that we as CFAV will be seeing it ourselves yet although I know of several who have already ordered the miniature.

We if you are entitled you can wear the miniature and the ribbon from 6th Jan. only have to wait until June for the full medal.


You mean feb right?

Also… how come you can wear miniatures and ribbons before June?

Does this mean one can wear their miniature and ribbon for CFM, whilst the medal sits on a desk somewhere?

Who do people use for this sort of thing.

Yes. Once the medal has been confirmed (for the CFM that would be the gazette) you can wear the ribbon and miniatures but not the full size before it’s presented.

Same applies to Birthday/NY honours
For the jubilee I would say you need some form of confirmation to wear it from 6th Feb (not necessarily individual, but a DIN confirming eligibility where there is no doubt about your meeting the criteria)

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I did mean Feb yes.

It was the same for the last one as well, don’t know why but that’s just the way it’s done.

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One of my section staff did a bulk order from Worcestershire Medals, the official supplier, I bought one for my general jubilee medal collection and it seems good quality. There’s also an ATC WO on Facebook selling them. Redirecting...

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I use Monster Medals for my ribbon bars, will sort my miniatures at a later date.

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There’s been someone on Facebook trying to drum up orders.

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What happens if big liz pops her clogs next week?

Medals melted down into Charlie welcome medals


They hide the news until the 7th Feb

Rumour is he’ll be George VII rather than Charles III. The previous two Charles didn’t do too well.
(Though part of me wants him to use a different middle name and be King Arthur)

Dont think we will get coronation medals

All the money goes into changing our buttons to the correct crowns.


I think there will be coronation medals. Likely to be the only large scale issue with Charles’s head on it.


I would agree 100% there will defo be a Coronation medal for that reason, I would be pleasantly surprised if we got a Silver Jubilee medal with his face on it.

My CFM, if I get that far, will almost certainly be his head. I may be wrong and she may outlive him just to p him off

It’s not just buttons that will need changing :man_shrugging:t2:

How many squadron crests have the Queen’s crown :man_shrugging:t2: