Platinum Jubilee

Ditto for HIOW

Time to do this all over again? Just heard chatter on the radio that if Liz Truss becomes PM next week she’ll announce plans a medal for the Queen’s 100th Birthday in 2026!

How is everyone’s wings giving them out. Ive heard from friends in different wings everything from simply come to WHQ to sign for them to WSO running around all the Sqns presenting them to a formal awards evening for the wing for the purpose of presenting them and everything in between.

I highly doubt they’ll make any announcements until much nearer the time, especially with her deteriorating health. I genuinely doubt she’ll get there. Next one will be Charles III coronation

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I wonder if that’s the regnal name he’ll take.

Fair amount of controversy there. You know, the beheadings and all that.

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And if she lasts as PM beyond the next election!

Have you seen the opposition? Sadly I think Wigston looks like he’s organised and in control of his organisation in comparison

Which is interesting as the plan before that appears to be to wait the extra year and mark the 75th anniversary as another Jubillee. Maybe they have realised that a 75th Anniversary is usually called a Diamond and they used that for the 60th.

A 100th birthdag medal would be quite special and would make more sense.

Totally agree, if she extends her stay in Balmoral beyond the normal summer period I would have real concerns, it’s well known amongst the Op Bridge department that she has always expressed a desire to pass in Scotland/Balmoral.

I think he might be, it was always a rumour that he would be George VII but I think he’s been Prince of Wales for too long as Charles to change his identity now. (Unless it was always his parents hope for him to take a different name in which case he might honour that wish).


Yeah, I imagine he would be Charles III. Much too long as “Charles, Prince of Wales”. But to be fair, I do think the name Charles with the monarchy has never gone well.
A beheading and a glorious revolution. Suppose with his plans to slim down the monarchy and the involvement he’s had with politics… Might be a bit of both…

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It was James VII who was actually overthrown. Charles II was just fairly debauched.

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Can confirm

Holy moly they do exist :rofl::rofl:


Looks like SNI is being proactive and trying to get them out relatively quick. I have heard some good things from friends about how some of the Scottish wings have dealt with this process. I wonder how long till eligible squadron facing individuals gets them in their hand and what will the average in the organisation be?


Sounds like our northern friends benefit from wing pro activity, and our southern friends suffer from wing inability. Perhaps they can provide some wise words of guidance to those wings who struggle to follow directives and orders.

Oh, I don’t know. All our medals were collected from Region this week (having been collected by Region from Cranwell last week).

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AEFs are still managed by HQ RAFAC for the time being and we are still commissioned by them therefore we ‘should’ still come under the ATC umbrella. We got the Golden and Diamond jubilee medals so why shouldn’t we be entitled to the Platinum? The service we give is to the Corps and we claim our VA through HQRAFAC.

I have asked the Q to Sqn Ldr Heath who then passed my email on to 6FTS CoS who replied it was being looked at. It is very disappointing that we are having to chase and fight for something that should be sorted well in advance of the medal being issued. What a mess!

Small update from Wing today from those on a tranche 2 , medals not expected this calendar year. Disappointing for a fair few that would have liked to have received the medal in the year of the jubilee.

Sea cadets have had theirs posted out.

With a nice covering letter from Admiral Sir Philip Jones, President of the Marine Society & Sea Cadets.

Ours will likely come out of a cardboard box with a “here you go… sign here”.

In a similar vain, our Warrant scrolls were delivered in a cardboard tube. Mine was handed to me in a carpark with “Oh, I’ve got something for you”, and all this time later, I have still got WOs who’ve not yet received theirs!

The Sea Cadets (at least in some parts of the Country) had the warrants mounted and framed and actively presented them to their WOs.

Little things make a big difference…


My brother in law is involved with Devon Cave Rescue. They had their medals presented by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant in a cave.