Platinum Jubilee

HQRAFAC just confirmed that T1 QPJMs received there and ready to be sent to Regions. All recipients will need to personally sign for their issue.

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Some RAFAC presentations…

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Guess that answers the eligibility question on whether AEF and VGS get the medal.

Following on from the discrimination thread, those photos show one heck of a lot of old white men…
Would be genuinely interested to see what the diversity stats are for VGS compared to the wider CFAV pool.


Some are better than others. :man_shrugging:


It answers the question re VGS and AGs as they are RAFAC Officers I would have assumed they were always eligible but none of them seem to be AEF personnel looking at their name and rank badges. So still the question of if AEF are eligible as they are VR(T) exists. I suspect they will issue them but by one reading of the original DIN VR(T) are not currently eligible. I suspect the technical failure in wording to include them will be fixed and they will be issued them or the MOD will just ignore the fact that they have different documents that give different meaning to the same words and for this purpose count CFAV as including RAF VR(T) which disagrees with AP 1919 in which they are not counted as CFAV.

Before anyone says I do think AEF personnel should be eligible.
I do find it interesting that the RAFR (CC) was explicitly mentioned with the plain day in service requirement and no efficiency certificate requirement but not the RAF VR(T) as they both have the same issue technically reservists don’t get the efficiency certificates so not eligible as reservists under standard category.

I also agree that AEF pilots should get the cadet forces medal but if you read the Regulations for the Cadet Force Medal 2020 they technically aren’t eligible as well it now only includes in it 5 eligible category’s CFAVs serving in

The Sea Cadet Corps
The Volunteer Cadet Corps
The Combined Cadet Force
The Army Cadet Force
The Air Training Corps

Technically the RAF VR(T) personnel do not serve in any of those 5 formations. Saying all that the MODMO is still issuing them it as that follows what we all agree ( I hope) should happen but it’s not technically what the regulations say should happen so either someone has made a policy choice to ignore the precise wording Of the regulations and issue them or the MOD haven’t properly considered all the changes since the removal of the RAF VR(T) commission and the reclassifying of the meaning of CFAV as per AP1919 now making them ineligible

Heard that ours at a Region, awaiting dispatch down CoC :roll_eyes:

More 2FTS VGS presentations on Facebook yesterday - the weekend after HQRAFAC announced they were ready for collection - let’s see if wings can be as efficient in the coming weeks.

Wings have been told to expect them around the 8th Sept.

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To be fair that’s not too bad

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Too late for BoB, but maybe just in time for remembrance. Depending on how good your tailor is.

Yeah its better than 2023 though

It’s nice to see they value you enough that you’ll get it before the next jubilee or coronation gong.

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I know boxes of them were handed to some RHQs at an event a week or so ago so they are being pushed out.

No reason you can’t wear your replica now.

True. I’ve already had to get mine mounted twice anyway after the fiasco I had.

Photos on Twitter of C&E ATC CFAVs receiving medals. Anyone else received their medals yet?

Dorset and Wiltshire to be notified approximately 8 Sept

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At least two Wing in C&E have received :man_shrugging:t2:

I know where mine is and should get it at the weekend.