Platinum Jubilee

So HQAC are expecting delivery by the end of the month. Should start seeing some presentations by this time next month?

Except for the guys who haven’t been told eligibility I guess.

I’m just not eligible for this medal, maybe next time. As I’m close a few months ago a wso did get in touch and ask if I had o18 service that could push me over. Very honestly I said no, but how you could prove yes or no would be tricky.

Our wing seem to have been proactive. But this does seem to prove that those with many years experience, do what they do (in that well worn out phrase) despite hqac instead of because of it.

Social media is a funny thing. The SLT issues are publicly out there and slammed by the coal face regularly. I just wonder what I’d think as a parent coming across this forum, would I let my sprog join?

Such a shame. As on the ground so much hard work is put in. Yet we’re constantly let down from above.

It’s that funny old phrase isn’t it;

Hard times breed strong leaders that lead to good times. Good times breed soft leaders that lead to hard times… I can tell where we are in the cycle.


The new rafac motto

I had to prove previous service to allow me to be put on trance 2. No proof, no entry on the list.

Luckily my service number moving across allowed me to access previous payslips etc via JPA. Otherwise I’m not sure how I could without putting in a subject access request which can apparently take up to 1 year.

I didn’t have any o18 air cadet experience. Would there not be Bader records (or some other records though?) Or would that be too far back for data retention? Possibly another alternative could be a reference from Sqn OC or similar?

Good on you for being honest though! I know plenty who would try their luck anyway.

Bader didn’t exist when I was a cadet… Had I have been eligible there might be some ancient squadron papers floating around somewhere, but there was a squadron move and I’ve been back 6 years and not found anything so doubt that there would be any evidence.

Of all the uniform staff there is only one left in the Corps - on another squadron now. But not sure the say-so on a member of staffs distant memory would be enough to issue it.

All a moot point for me as I didn’t stay on, but had I have done I think I’d have a heck of a job proving it!

My TEST Sgt just asked me if I still had my ROS Book/3822. When I said yes he said that was good enough for him. He didn’t need to see it as he didn’t believe I would have said I had it if I couldn’t produce it.
I’m sure that there have been people given the same degree of trust who have abused it.

My uniformed services as a CFAV is just shy of the cut off, so they’ve asked for details of my previous regular service.

I’ve no objection to giving it; I just can’t be bothered. I’m not fussed about the medal. I don’t need it, it doesn’t really mean anything to me. So I’m not going to.

Can’t shake the feeling that this is something else that the powers that be will decide is going to reflect poorly…

Oh yes, I do have my 3822 still!

Did you have any photos from camp post 18 service? Surely that would count as a form of evidence. Appreciate you’re not bothered but it might be a route.

Also now imagine HQAC inundated with old camp photos to evidence that a person was serving at that time…:joy:

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No, as I left when I was 17 :slight_smile:

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Hahaha - It does feel like this process is in a trance at times ! :joy:

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More ACF posts of medal presentations, we must be getting closer now.

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Have a look at the update on share point that’s just came out things seem to be moving finally although how long will it take for regions to get them if as implied in the update that they need to be collected from Cranwell and not posted wouldn’t be easy for some of the regions then add in the time to sort into wing piles and send out to WHQ it could still be a significant while before people have them in their hands. Will there be enough time to get them mounted for remembrance I wonder?

Confirmed in that update that RHQ and WHQ had the lists on 12 May so no excuses that people still don’t know if they’re in tranche 1.


I wonder if I’ll see mine when the TEST SNCO visits next time



To get your medal you have to do a QuickTime event? :open_mouth:

Next you’ll be telling us the secret back door code to share point is


… although you missed “start” I think?


And I believe that the Tranche 2 submission date has long passed as well, so that list should have been communicated down too.

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