Platinum Jubilee

As soon as they put conditions in place with a Duckworth-Lewis calculation, this was never going to be pretty.
It should have been done the time from start date to finish date, get the gong. None of this effectively “are they or can they prove they are worth it” baloney. This is not a special effort medal tit is a commemorative, stamped in their tens if not hundreds of thousands.
Who within the MoD despises, or seems to, volunteers in the Air Cadets so much, that everything is made a struggle?

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Technically if you read the previous DINs which have al been FOI and in public domain the training days requirements or very similar rules were in place for the golden and diamond jubilee medal but with the lack of an online Management system for the gold and a chunk of the diamond qualifying period I suspect at the time HQ just auto signed everyone off who was 5 years in as eligible so some who weren’t entitled as per the Royal warrant got it. Which now that they have a way of checking isn’t justifiable disadvantages of progress I guess.

In Relation to how many QPJMs for all eligibility groups I have heard the number 400k banded about

Interesting update on VOV from RC north regarding timescale

And SharePoint Announcement

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Interesting, let’s see how long it takes WHQs to now provide the lists in the wings where this hasn’t happened yet.

That is actually a clear and sensible update. Perhaps it could have been communicated earlier, but at least it sets the record straight.


I know they won’t throw people under the bus like this, but it would be interesting to know how long the information has been available to WHQs.

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A good update. And also confirms to everyone that their WHQs have the lists. So they can’t keep blaming HQAC, who in this instance, have done what they need to do!

Since May.

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I imagine some WHQ inboxes are about to get bombarded.

I can’t check right now, but I’m certain an email from our WingVo existing no knowledge came out more recently than May…

I’ve certainly heard from conversations with cfavs in certain wings (who don’t want to be identified) that they got told in the past two months or so that WHQ didn’t have the list.

There seems to be such a wide difference in how the this has been managed locally.

I know one wing had the list out within 10 minutes of the wexo receiving it. I know another one that took 10 days (due to WEXO being on leave) know some that took a month or two and obviously a significant number that haven’t released anything.

There is also some wings that were extremely proactive with creating tranche 1 in two wings I have friends in the Permanent Staff literally called or emailed everyone who was in the gray area re Ty 21/22 weeks before the 31 March deadline for training days to say you are x days short this TY this is what you need to do to get over the limit or these are the events that need closed down so they appear on your records and so on. They also proactively hunted down any evidence of staff cadet service for anyone who that evidence would help get over the limit. Other wings seem to have done the bare minimum of the most basic scratching of the surface and other wings have done everything in between.
We seem dependant on the chance of fortune of which ever WEXO/E1/E2 is in your Wing HQ with no accountability.

It seems that some wings have gone above and beyond and well done to them, some are not doing their job at all and some are doing the bare minimum to scrape by.

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To be honest, is confirming that WHQ have the lists and are not sending them out deliberately actually making the situation worse because it confirms the utter contempt/disregard held for CFAVs by those Wings? Unless they can prove otherwise, is this not the position they are now in?

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So the Bees must have been buzzing about on here - They confirmed T1 and T2 recipients today. My friend however is royally (see what I did there), unhappy as she’s not included despite easily meeting the criteria.

Hmm, unless you’re not referring to the Wing I thought you were, it’s not been promulgated as described.

Edit: it’s only gone to OC accounts, but it has gone out. Eventually.

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We were told in May who was eligible in our Wing. And no, I wont say which one :slight_smile:

How are the lists stuck with WEXO’s?

I thought it was the WEXO’s who submitted the list based on eligibility ip the chain?
Is this a case of waiting for confirmation that the list is approved upon high (if so what is that process other than auditing WEXO’s admin?) To come back down the CoC?

It has already come back down the CoC, quite a while ago! That is the issue. It’s not been sent out in some areas, so people don’t know if they will get it in T1. This means they can’t look at T2/T3.

If only the old service complaint route was still available :innocent: