Platinum Jubilee

Worcestershire Medals are delivering the replicas now and have been for months. When I ordered mine they said they wouldn’t deliver it until the MOD had received sufficient medals and allowed them to start producing the replicas. Obviously the MOD didn’t give a monkeys about ensuring they had sufficient for CFAVs, or they got them but aren’t bothered about delivering them.

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Two ACF friends i know got replicas asap so they had them for an event on jubilee weekend…it took me by surprise when i saw their photos until i messaged them to congratulate their HQ for being so prompt only for them to come clean!

That is disgraceful if true. The ACF have had them for weeks. Every odd and wonderful organisation that is eligible has received them but us it seems. The roll out originally according my sources was supposed to have them in our hands by June/July that got delayed to July/August…… now it might not even been in the year of the jubilee if what you have heard is true… heads need to roll over it.
I wonder where the the fault lying is it HQ RAFAC, MOD Medal Office or somewhere else?. Might be an interesting FOI at some point re all emails related to QPJM from a HQ rafac email account

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A friend last night said that a ‘greater’ wing in the north west hasn’t published their T1. Not quite the bees knees.


Can confirm.

I wonder what the response at HQ would be should CFAVs start putting in FOI requests over the delays and lack of communication on eligibility and award. At this point RAFAC just need to comms out that there’ll be a delay and eligible CFAV are welcome to private purchase - then send someone through every WHQ to find out why some wings aren’t sharing the eligibility list of names.

They’ll probably rely on section 37 (exemption from FOI for conferring of honours) to avoid having to show how badly they’ve done.

Though seeing as we know they keep on eye on this forum they must know that there are wings not releasing this information. Clearly not too fussed


Could plead ignorance and say they haven’t seen it, that’s a good way to value our volunteers, sorry value our people.

According to this FOI from last week 4771 QPJM have been “issued” to the cadet forces so far. Doesnt break down by individual cadet forces though but I’ve seen SCC, VCC& ACF get presented them so….

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The issues we have are two-fold, a) no one has medals, b) cfavs still don’t know if they’re eligible or not. Come on Commandant, get a grip of the situation!


And a third; if they’ve been told they’re not eligible but the CFAV believes they are, there’s been no information on the appeals process.

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Anyone with questions, complaints or queries can at anytime of course email…

The Dept of Culture Media and sport is the lead dept for the Jubillee. Im sure the Minister would take a dim view of this omnishambles. Especailly as a large focus of the QPJ was.on volunteering and volunteers.

To be clear this email is freely available via Contact – The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022

And is thus not either protected or privileged info


One thing i can say with absolute certainty is that 1*s do not like it as they have to take immediate fixing action when a Minister gets involved.

Minister informed.
PUS gets the hump from a rollocking
Relevant 4* in MOD gets tasked by PUS.
Poop moves down hill rapidly.

Hits 1*

Slumps in a pyroclatic flow of firey doom down on to the C2s (Wexos)

Outcome either 1 of 2 things. Maybe both.

  1. Medals issued or at least the list confirming who is entitled.

  2. Blocking staff given a level of misery equal to ours for a change.


As an FYI:

“This inbox is no longer being monitored therefore please forward your query on to and someone will get back to you.”

It’s been such a long time since the event that they’ve shut the mailbox to query it… That’s how far behind we are


Can we get a copy and paste of the email sent. En masse emails may indicate the level of unhappiness in the situation.

If you raise it your MP and ask them To contact the appropriate minister there’s a ready process that once started flows automatically from there, be polite & factual and things should be fine (make sure you include your address to confirm you are a constituent)

Number of MPs letters arriving on air commands door step in once go annoys the secretariat & then the 2* 3* & 4* can get what they want done as the admin is clogged.

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At least this way we’d find out who is holding up the process, instead of wings telling cfavs that they ‘don’t know’

& air command & HQAC. There’s a blockage somewhere & don’t think it’s at HQ.

Might well be some egos kicking in particularly if some prominent people haven’t qualified but that’s me speculating.

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Or better still, make sure all the volunteers in this volunteer org get their medal for volunteering first.

Just a thought.