Platinum Jubilee

If the issue is WExOs not doing what they are meant to, then there is the CS complaints route AFAIK. I looked into it a while back as I nearly put one in.

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So HQAC say all RHQ/WHQ know, but OC DW wing says D/W don’t know and D/W WHQ have said nothing.

The information went to WHQs not OC wings if that helps at all? (Maybe both, but definately WHQs!) Sounds like their WHQ has missed an email…

An missed email that has caused a huge cluster if that’s the case! I doubt that given the significance but happy to be corrected!

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So DWW haven’t been told then? Wouldn’t want to be their WEXO on Monday….

Why? What’s going to happen to them other than maybe a talking to and who would do that apart from someone in their management chain and therefore also part of the Great Shambles? They’re fireproof Civil Servants and they’re a protected species, like the bats in your attic; once they’re in, you can’t move them or disturb them. So you can’t sack them and the only way to get rid of the really bad ones is to promote them.

Just a thought though, are the delays perhaps due to a bit of envy that our WExOs are administering and facilitating something that they won’t get? But that said, I’ve heard of at least one WExO who’s got themselves on T1!

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My WExO was on T1. Not sure how…

Obviously do not know the specific case but it isn’t completely impossible that a individual who holds the WEXO job would be eligible due to Double hatting some WEXOs or other uniformed Civil Servants (ie what used to be called ARCs now Chief Of Staffs) are also CFAVs in their spare time.

They could potentially get it as CFAV’s but not Uniformed Civil Servants would be eligible with that hat on but obviously not with the CS hat.

Also that is with the exception that if any still exist (ie they haven’t all retired I know there was still a few 3 years ago) that those WEXOs appointed in the 1990s who still retain grandfathered commissions with Royal Air Force Reserve (Civilian Component) but are paid and managed as Civil Servants would be listed in tranche 1 because they are listed as a eligible category on the DIN. They are the only WEXOs that are eligible without being CFAV’s. WEXOs stopped being commissioned into the RAFR (CC) in the early 2000s and all future WEXOs were then commissioned as RAF VR(T) & then RAFAC but those previously appointed RAFR (CC) get to retain it till they retire

The main point is not so much not being told, it is that everyone has been told at different times hqac should have retained control until everyone was on arrears ready

No gong here. I know a couple of high ups have them but the coal face haven’t received theirs.

What’s annoying about the announcement on Sharepoint though is that there is no mention of deadlines or similar for Tranches 2 and 3!

Let’s see whether that comes out with the missing eligibility lists on Monday.

Do you honestly think we’ll see anything across the whole organisation? After all, they’ve had long enough to let us know what’s happening and that’s from the process that would be used, to who was in Tranche 1 and the arrangements for Tranche 2. So far they have failed spectacularly, so I have little confidence that we will see anything meaningful this week. Except perhaps statements that we are not to question the system and subsequent threats should we dare to ask anything!

Oh how much simpler this all could have been!

Maybe they’re a volunteer as well, some are. However, there’s a big bit of me that suspects they’ve added themselves to the list because they hold a RAFAC commission, regardless of the fact that the DIN specifically excludes MOD Civil Servants.

I wonder if anyone is auditing all of this?

They are also a volunteer, but I really can’t see them meeting the minimum time requirements for volunteering as opposed to what is their job.

And who will question it anyway?

Call me cynical, but our ‘volunteering WExOs’ will probably be the first to insist on the requisite number of days from everyone else. Whilst we chase round trying to justify either our own or our staffs’ awards, it looks like they get them with no questions asked.


Update just published on Sharepoint.

Well not really and update, more a case of just reiterating what was pushed out earlier in year :man_shrugging:t2:

Also doesn’t fix the problem for many CFAVs who still don’t know if they were eligible through tranche 1, or how to appeal / apply for tranche 2.

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I don’t usually pay much attention to gossip and stories, but, I’ve heard from more than one source recently that the paucity or withholding of information regarding the ‘also rans’ ie Tranche 2 qualifiers etc may be a semi-official ploy. The rumour is that our HQs are deliberately doing as little as possible; if someone feels they qualify, then it’s up to that individual to push, but if they’re not really bothered or simply don’t know, then HQ will not assist or advise and nothing happens.

If you think about it, it’s not much different from how they administer CFMs, the CFAV has to do all of the pushing!

That excerpt alone…