Platinum Jubilee

Perhaps it’ll be before the next jubilee

Charlotte’s silver maybe


That they hadn’t heard anything either. Not very promising!

I’ve heard on the rumour mill that a few people have been been told September/October for delivery for planning purposes for presentations for Tranche 1. No idea where those dates came from it tho so it could just be someone at a WHQ saying it so expectations are set even lower than they already are

CCF RAF T2 nominations need to be submitted to their HQ by 09:00 Monday 15 August.

I got tired of waiting for news, so emailed TEST OC.

Provided details of over 18 cadet service and now I settle in for a case of ‘wait and see’.

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I don’t think our Wing Commanders and WEXo’s in our respective wings would be happy if we all en masse emailed them, however I do wonder how effective this would be.

Not usually a move I would make either, but there is a ticking clock on this one. Rare occasion of better to ask forgiveness instead of permission.


That assumes they know. Mine are still protesting ignorance.

And, given the other things that have happened in recent months, nobody cares anymore. We know we’re not being thought about.

I suppose if you don’t ask, you don’t get. Would be interesting to hear how you fare with this.

At this point have you escalated to Region and above? I sense many are going to miss out on the basis that Wing HQs are telling volunteers they haven’t got the lists.

See point two.


Have emailed the person acting as OC TEST for us to ask; he has a lot on his plate, though, as he’s doing this on top of his full time job at HQ.

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He is at least in the right place to ask the question!

If they’re telling the truth they need to start lighting some fires. The information is out there.

If they’re not telling the truth…

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The problem is there’s no consequences for this. CFAVs will still volunteer because we do this for the young people. Receiving recognition like the CFM / commendations / medals is a nice to have and we all know it and we know that not all of us will get one in our CFAV career. Wing HQs have already been ordered to disseminate the list according to an earlier post, so it’ll take action from Region HQ and HQAC to actually get something to happen and the likelihood of them valuing us more than Wing HQ? Your guess is as good as mine.

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Sadly, I heard from a friend at HQ (I cannot say anymore as it would compromise their position, as it would be too obvious) that we will be lucky to have ANY distributed in 2022. More likely looking at Feb 2023! :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

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What a cluster.

Thats all im going to say. Even worst that some Wings still havent been told whos been awarded.


This is an absolute disgrace.

If this was an organisation that had no ties to the government and the gong was a nicety, I could understand the wait.

However CFAVs were specifically mentioned in the RAF IBN for the award of medals. Criteria all listed. Even the RAFCC was listed, I’ve never even heard of that org.

Not sure what can be done but how can the chain look their volunteers in the eye in this point. Knowing their admin is directly negatively impacting their subordinates.