Platinum Jubilee

Yes, that’s correct.

You could argue that even if the lists to these wings came through today, it’s too late to get an application in for T2.

People are just going to end up buying their own aren’t they. If challenged they can produce the evidence that they do qualify and to be fair I wouldn’t blame them.

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Or they leave this organization for one that values them and their time. With the ACF investing in recruitment and other organizations like the Scouts and St John Ambulance always looking I’m sure RAFAC CFAVs wouldn’t have to look far for another organization.


To be honest I don’t think the main issue here is missing out on a medal. It’s the disregard of staff from HQ that is upsetting volunteers. If a workplace treated permanent staff in the same way I’m sure we’d see a lot of bullying and harassment/ victimization claims going to ACAS. If Comdt AC, the Gp Capt and RHQ / WHQ really cared they’d have ensured that all CFAVs at least knew if they were entitled a long time ago. My guess is nothing will change until Sqns close in droves as the CFAVs leave.


I agree - I was taking the view that people buying their own would be flicking V’s in quiet protest. As after all, what use is following the process on their end - if no one can be bothered to do so on the other?


Proverbial nail struck on the head.

With the deadline for appeals and T2 tomorrow, which Wings still haven’t heard about T1?

Many. But a lot of people here want to try and preserve a little anonymity so will be unlikely to name specific Wings.

Has anyone in D/W been told yet?

Dont think so but i jumped across the border and ive been told.

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Cool, didn’t realised you crossed over, hope you got it, all annoyingly quiet here.


And so the deadline looms…

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Have you had anything from the CCF side or is yours being dealt with by the ATC?

Radio silence here, but we have no OC TEST or TEST SNCO so it may have got stuck.

As far as I’m aware I’m in T1…

Both of those posts are filled for my side and still radio silence, you are not missing out :grimacing:

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I’m CCF only at the moment, though interviewing for a WSO role soon so that may change. I heard from my TEST Sgt but only after chasing higher up (we have no OC TEST either). My understanding though is that anyone you put on the spreadsheet for T1 has got it.

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Given the deadline for T2 and appeals has passed, I wonder if we will be seeing any queries up the CoC on Monday.

TEST Sgt on camp was unaware of the deadline - hoho!


Oh dear

Did they have anything to say about T1 and when we might see a list?

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