Platinum Jubilee

I think now is the time to name and shame wings, not on here as you’ll give yourselves away, but mass emails to the Commandant c.c. Wexo, OC Wing, ARC, RC, Senior CFAV, CoS, AOC 22 Group, local MP, Ben Wallace (unless a new minister is appointed to cover cadets as James Heapey resigned in the mass exodus).

Explain how annoyed you are that they don’t have the decency to tell you whether you’re on the list or not, or how to apply if you think you should be. Highlight that this is a failure of the CoC to supervise down the chain and whilst we are not in this game for tea and medals this is emblematic of the utter contempt CFAVs are held in by some people and how the organisation doesn’t value their volunteers regardless of what they say. If you’ve recently lost staff over treatment then throw that in as well.
Until people make a fuss en masse nothing will change.

Obviously change the tone depending on your individual annoyance levels/risk appetite


And therein lies the rub. There’s no way anyone doing this will suffer anything other than severe local reprimand, exclusion, and derision. Not worth it.

Anon letter

I only found out this week.

The only saving Grace for individuals is that they can still get the medal if they miss the 15 July deadline because of WEXO’s inaction is that the tranche 2 deadline is only for the simplified spreadsheet method of proving eligibility and the deadline only accounts for applications using solely CFAV and Cadet over 18 service.

The manual JPA Form method which is mainly for combined service but can I assume be used for solely CFAV service if deadline is missed has no end date ( they are still accepting at the MODMO application for the QGJM) and anyone can use that method at any time including I would assume those who should have been in the tranche 2 simplified spreadsheet it will just however mean a requirement to gather enough evidence yourself to prove to the satisfaction of the MODMO for example download from sms of your event and attendance history proving you have met the number of TD in each TY

Is this the JS Form JPA S006? If so, that is definately for CFAV too as part 3b is specifically for CFAV service!

Yes But the Tranche 2 is split into two sections the first is the one with the deadline of 15 July and in that they are using the same simplified method of Tranche 1 ie the spreadsheet. it’s mainly for those who for example attendance registers weren’t correct or events weren’t closed of or similar so didn’t appear in peoples records when checks were completed at WHQ or had other non recorded usable things for example WSO meetings so didn’t appear to have the number of days in each of the 5 TYs, if they have more than one type of service and haven’t got the 5 CFAV years ie regular army and CFAV then they are to use that form im assuming it can also be used solely for CFAV service but using it for that will require more evidence than if you can get your CFAV only service in using the simplified spreadsheet method with the 15 july deadline

  1. Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAV). Because CFAV service is not recorded on JPA, Cadet Force Headquarters are responsible for identifying eligible uniformed CFAV in accordance with 2022DIN09-001. The lists (in .xls format) are to be forwarded to MODMO by 10 May 22 for MODMO to arrange bulk deliveries to the various Cadet Force Distribution hubs (see Annex A). Should individuals wish to combine Cadet Force service with previous Regular or Reserve service, they will need to provide appropriate evidence of such service. As this may not be calculated automatically, the individual’s unit should complete an JPA S006 application on behalf of the applicant and submit it to the relevant Cadet Force Headquarters for authorisation and forwarding to the MODMO.

It’s bizarre that some people haven’t heard anything.

Luckily, I had mine confirmed in T1 some time back (months), my wife had confirmation of hers in T2 a few weeks back.

I genuinely can’t believe the clear lack of effort in some areas, because I suspect that’s what it boils down to.

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Say what? No one here has heard a peep formally about T1, let alone the process for T2. Someone who asked the WSO for our unit was told RAFAC HQ had rejected two submissions and Wing were preparing a new submission.

Astounding that people still haven’t heard about T1 eligibility and will now likely miss T2 also.

Genuinely not remotely surprised.


Where does it say the Tranche 2 deadline? I was told it was the end of the July but some of seem to be suggesting earlier?

In an email from HQ sent to WExOs and ARCs. This has been forwarded on by some WExOs, thus some of us know about it. It’s a real shame some people don’t know about it!

I still don’t know if I got it in T1 or not. Bit of a shambles really!

I have seen a few CFAVs receive the QPJM over the last 8 weeks mainly VCC (which is extremely small org so would is likely have a quicker turn around) with a smattering of ACF. in the last 2 weeks however their seems to have been a flood of them being presented I’ve seen individuals from at least 10 different battalions of the ACF in all corners of the UK having medal parades/presentations/presented at summer camp and we haven’t even been told when they might arrive let alone arranged full presentation ceremony’s/passed over the desk by an E1/2?

How can the ACF be so far ahead of RAFAC in this. I can just about understand cadet forces taking longer than the regulars or reservists to receive it but surely we shouldn’t be taking longer to receive than the ACF

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We are completely disorganised at HQ level and should be ashamed.

It’ll be interesting to see the fallout if multiple wings have CFAVs missing out on potentially the only recognition of the time they give up because of poor HQ admin.

Thanks, presumably the same for CCF too?

What deadline did the email have?

Deadline for T2 I had through was tomorrow 15 July