Platinum Jubilee


I know about mine, but still plenty people I know havent been told a thing

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Had them remounted. Look leagues better. Actually sit in the correct place. However, the button is still visible. Probably because of how the two of them sit.

Done 11 years of service and only managed to scrounge these two in the past year…

It do be like that sometimes…


More importantly, has anyone actually heard anything in the past week? My units boss has heard he is eligible, along with those who are eligible on unit. As to when medals appear…

We have heard nothing since the tranche 1 list was released and the request for appeals came. Regarding when the medals will arrive no idea although the local ACF detachment CFAV’s had theirs presented 2 weeks ago. So :person_shrugging:

Least youve heard that.
We havent even been told that much!

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Then your WEXO is ignoring a direct order from HQ RAFAC a friendly CS told me that an order went out weeks ago from HQ RAFAC to all WEXOS ordering them to release the tranche 1 list as that is an requirement for appeals in tranche 2. With that deadline of the 15 July for CFAV service only rapidly approaching for the simple process.

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Then you need to put in a complaint.

I quoted that 24 days ago… The email from HQ telling WExOs they need to give out the list was sent on June 10th. If you’ve still not heard anything, then as said above, complain. Go to the ARC.

Please PM me a screenshot of whole letter. Thanks.

Disappointed… But not surprised.

Only thing heard here (via the Winco, not WExO) is that the Winco has sent off a list. Not who’s on it, no suggestion of appeals for tranche 2.

Can’t send a screenshot as it’s a long old email, but copied and pasted what matters to you!

I wonder if you’re in the same wing as @Paracetamol. If not, then that’s two wings being completely useless. You both need to formally raise the matter with your ARC(s).

There are now only 5 days until those who didn’t get in T1 need to give their evidence to their WExOs for T2.

This is actually crazy just re-reading that. You still don’t know who was in T1, and we’re that close to the T2 cut off…

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We’re not.

I know 2 other wings in same position.


Not cut through, VoV it. Cant have thoae who rightly deserve it missing out because of Beaurachy

Given that there’s been zero guidance for how this evidence should be presented, I think the majority can kiss this chance goodbye.

Well, guidance has been issued to all WExOs. The issue is it appears there multiple wings that have worse communication issues than the wider organisation. Which is quite impressive!

There is an alternative line that says I haven’t seen any guidance or news because I’m on the T1 list and approved, therefore there’s no need to send me the info…

But given the first email was a generic “send to all OCs in Wing” I’m guessing that’s not the case.

The only realistic way to get this information out is with an all.wing email, so I doubt you’ve missed anything. Plus part of what’s been said is that step 1 is to let all those who are in T1 know.

The wexos definitly had it…my wexo sent out how to comms very promptly after the awarded email

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Yeah, I was trying to be kind…

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