Platinum Jubilee

I think that would be because it takes someone to give a hoot about the volunteers in the organisation and then takes said individuals at HQAC to organise it in plenty of time which as we know once it moves up the CoC becomes harder and harder to organise anything.


Ah, but it’s “Valuing Our People” now, because doing something for the salary and pension is apparently equal to doing it for the passion.

And considering the tone deaf, public announcement of the HQAC awards, @willow might have a point. Volunteers aren’t a priority.


Would be interested to see what the Grp Cpt senior volunteer chap has said on this? Has he raised it and been ignored or has he not raised it?
By “this” I mean the cluster of communications and the lack of recognition for CIs


If the Comdt said speak to the wings and wings are saying don’t ask us, then I guess Gp Capt CFAV is the last person to speak to no?


At this point, sod 'em. I’ve already decided I’m downing tools.

I’ll help my unit, and make sure we’re doing what we can. Beyond that? Wing activities? Region activities? Any of those little extra tasks that add up to weekends and weeks away? No chance. Why should I bother? They quite clearly don’t give a monkeys about me, so why should I care about them?


Since their appointment. Has anyone heard anything from them?

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He’s visited a few units. Yet to hear of him having any effect on anything CFAV related. Might not mean it hasn’t happened but I would hope for some communication if it had.


Did anyone think for one minute that the CFAV Gp Capt was anymore than window dressing? They were never going to do more than turn up for some photos with smiling cadets. They were never going to have any input or do anything contentious.
We should have fully grasped that our place is to keep some well paid senior officers in jobs, do admin to maintain jobs for less well paid people and somewhere in the gaps try and give young people an activity club with one arm tied behind our backs.

Submitted my Tranche 2 application yesterday

If successful all 4 of us uniformed staff on the unit will be awarded it.

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You’ve submitted a Tranche 2 application? We’ve not heard a thing about Tranche 2 yet, dates, process, evidence needed, nothing!


We’ve heard nothing about tranche 1 or even if we where put forward, would have been far simpler for HQ just to publish the full list for all to see


How on earth would people build train sets and feel they have power over others if sensible cross organisation communication techniques are used.


Have you heard anything yet?

………….#tumbleweed #allquietonthewesternfront


I can’t believe that people still haven’t found out. (well, I mean I can.) Despite mine being chucked at me whilst I was working, the way CFAVs have been treated over this really shows a way of valuing the volunteer…

My drama is how mines been mounted. Completely wonky and sits far too high…

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I’d be sending that back to be done again

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Head to CFM Mounting on Facebook for a good job on those.


Just had a thought. Since William and other members of the Royal Family have received the platinum jubilee medal, does the Queen herself also receive one?

I know she used to wear uniform for trooping the colour but not recently due to practicality reasons.

No. The monarch doesn’t award themselves honours or decorations iirc. I think campaign medals might be awarded but nothing else.


Just taken it to a local Nepali ex army master tailor. With any luck it’ll look a lot better.