Platinum Jubilee

And, TBH, if a WExO sends in a list of eligible candidates, based on the criteria already sent out, and MODMO comes back with a ‘no’, what does that say about the Wing and Region. :man_shrugging:t2:

Nothing like a bit of last minute staff work to really hone the senses; that’s if they have any …

Definitely T1.

As per, nobody knows wtf is going on.

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Seen on Twitter that an ACF battalion presented their medals last week.

As have cave rescue organisations.

RAFAC… in time for the next Coronation…


Ahh that’s the plan ingenious save spending time working on two presentation ceremony’s/trips to WHQ to be handed over a desk by the E1/E2 (as your wing does it) present them both at the same time………


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That’s maybe a bit to far away even for the RAFAC maybe Louis Cambridge coronation might be a better guess

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And HM Coastguard volunteers; presented a month ago.

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There are lots of complaints about this - but has anyone stopped to ask whether HQAC already has the medals - I’m sure they are not sat on boxes of them at HQ, more likely they haven’t been delivered yet. Our organisation, like it or not, had a more complex process to go through due to the Royal Warrant for the medal than most. When the SCC and ACF have all got their medals and we are still awaiting, raise the question. Till then, show a bit of patience - does it make any difference to our delivery to cadets whether we have the medal or not? You’ll either get it because you have the service and attendance, or you wont.

Think the point is nothing to do with physically receiving the medal but more about the fact that some units have been told whether they are eligable whilst others haven’t. E.g LASER released info 2 weeks ago, SW/D&W wing been told absolutely nothing and intact been ordered not to ask

It would have been better to wait until ALL the data was available and told the whole RAFAC family at the same time.

Whilst having/not having a medal doesn’t make a difference as the vast majority are driven by cadet delivery, recognition including CIs who deliver at the coal face occasionslly wouldn’t go amiss. It was suggested in our unit that maybe coins available to recognise the CIs who meet the criteria, but guess cost is the bottom line.


…No official comms: no timeine, no projections, no target, no update report, no delay notifications, no acknowledgement that people are waiting, no empathy, no awareness of having to prep evidence for tranche 2, no consistency.

No respect.

As usual, there’s a failure to comprehend that just providing some information would be of use and value and would alleviate the discontent.


It’s actually worse than saying no CFAVs get it this time.

This is absolutely the point!! Whilst many people might be fairly ambivalent about getting the medal, others are genuinely looking forward to it as unlike our Regular colleagues, there’s no other way to get ‘blinged up’, which to a lot of people is quite nice at the end of the day.

It seems as though a lot of other organisations, police, fire, coastguard, cave rescue to name some mentioned on here, have not only received the medals at HQ level, but have also got them out to the troops. Fair enough, if HQRAFAC haven’t got them yet, ok, it happens, but for goodness sake, it wouldn’t take much to just say there’s a delay and why. However, someone mentioned that OC NI Wg has theirs so that would suggest that some are with HQs somewhere, so what’s happening? I just don’t get why there is such a lack of information and when we do hear something, it’s rumour, half truths, misinformation or even unwarranted threats to make us stop asking any more!

This is a classic communications cluster, but it’s one which could very easily have been avoided. Unless they are completely thick skinned, HQRAFAC must be aware of the frustrations being felt by the volunteers, but still we are told very little. Was I in Tranche 1? Is Tranche 2 open? Come on, Commandant, get a grip of your staff and just tell people what’s happening!!


November 12th 2020 was the date that DCMS told everyone they’d be a medal that’s almost 18 months ago. As somebody said earlier this is a cluster. HQ at Cranwell could and should have been all over this in the interim. Whenever somebody tells me I’m late with admin I’ll remind them of this.

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The problem is twofold it would be a case of do as I say not as I do and whatever ‘admin’ we are late with doesn’t just affect the admin wallahs, it affects us and or cadets and can be used against us.

Why cant we do anything like this… shameful


Surprised no one has VoV’d