Platinum Jubilee

My Wing Commander has told my Adj (an old friend of his) that I’m getting the medal - apparently they have been able to link up my previous service without my interaction - but I’ve heard nothing official and nothing actually from the Wing Commander himself. So… Yeah, that’s a really good comms process.

Yes, I think I’ve heard of this happening too. Clever, I guess it may have something to do with JPA and service numbers as I’ve not got my old service number.

I’ve heard that one Wing have said they won’t be issuing medals until all regulars have had theirs, won’t say who has been awarded yet and sent a lovely reminder that until confirmation has been received it’s a criminal offence to wear the minature or ribbon and then suggested it when things are confirmed recipients may like to buy their own because of delays getting the stock.

You couldn’t make this up - this isn’t a way to value your volunteers!


Two problems with that. Some regulars won’t get them for a long time if they get deployed before recieving them as in that situation the medal is to be returned to MODMO and requested back when they return to a UK tour. So your wing could be holding them for years whilst waiting for every regular to get them.

Also, if the medals are actually being held at Wing you might like to remind the Wing Commander of the DIN which requires them to be issued as quickly a practically possible.


The it being a criminal offence I’m sure only applies to those individual subject to the armed forces act (conduct prejudicial to good order or something similar). The Armed Forces Act which snco never have been liable under and officers aren’t any longer so the threat doesn’t work (not saying they couldn’t take disciplinary action but it wouldn’t be criminal proceedings)

Also although I’ve not seen the email myself I’ve been told by a friendly permanent staff member that HQ RAFAC have sent an order out to all wexo’s telling them to release the confirmed list for tranche 1 so people can put their appeals in the required time frames. If this is true then if a WEXO is withholding that list is disobeying that instruction.

Also in the DIN

“…to eligible personnel named on the medal roll. These should be presented in a manner commensurate with their status and occasion”

Does the “their” in “their status” refer to the medal or the person? It’s just the sliding across a desk doesn’t seem especially respectful…:wink:

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Feels like the intention is that “their” refers to the medals, which means its irrelevant what our “status” is.

Except I can’t imagine any Wing Commander hitting up every squadron within a couple of weeks to do it formally, nor most CFAV making it to a central ceremony.

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Oh god no.
Please.not a wing parade or some.other bs.

Just an excuse for many wing commanders to get hard ons having other adults salute them, when called up individually. Especially for those who dont have satisfaction from anyother parts of their life!

Would rather get mine in the post thanks!

Especially with my utterly useless, brown nosing good for nothing, couldnt organise a pie fight in beano comic, wet behind the ear, Gp Capt lovin, soft as a fart Wg cdr.

That is all.

  • My Diamond Jubilee was an in the post job.
  • My CFM was slid across the desk, as I was ill for the Wing presentation evening.
  • My clasp was awarded at the Wing presentation… But the clasp hadn’t arrived in time, so was presented with an empty box for the pictures. Still don’t have my clasp.

Wondering how this will go…

I can’t comment on the rest of the Air Force but the Other Half was sent an email to go and collect a box of medals for his Sqn, along with a list of who they were for and has spent the last few days handing them out as and when he saw the recipient. His is currently sat in the dining room. No faff.
I’m waiting for the email that says this Wing will be handing them out at x parade, although I’ll probably escape it as doubt the second tranche will even be submitted by then, never mind received :rofl:

Well mine was fished out of a cardboard box and chucked at me by the wobbly…
No real pomp, I was looking like a sack of poo as I’d been elbow deep in a flying control closet two minutes before …

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I’m especially tired so am amused at the image of you standing there for 5 mins whilst the person giving it to you is using a rod & line to get your medal out of the box like a surreal hook-a-duck.

Perhaps that would have been the better way to determine eligibility- put all the medals in a grab claw machine, give volunteers a token for each year of service and if you can get your medal out of the machine you can wear it.

I think I need to go get coffee :coffee:


HQAC tranche 2 selection process announced…


Wing Co emailing the Wing saying he’s submitted names but has no idea who’s actually going to get anything nor when he’ll find out…

For T1 or T2? T1 is already fully confirmed, and the list should be with all WExOs!

Where’s that info come from ? Our OCW and WExO have told us their still waiting for HQ to confirm who’s eligible.


Our WExO has sent out a provisional list for tranche one & given a deadline for any appeals for people to be added to trance 2. Makes it nice & simple whether you can sit back or need to do extra running around.

An email was sent from HQAC to ARCs in the second week of may with the ‘as submitted’ returns. This should have been disseminated. But obviously hasn’t. It might end up getting tight for people as the deadline for T2 submissions of evidence is the 15th of July to WExOs etc, with a deadline of 5 Aug to RHQ and 12 Aug to HQAC.

Obviously, confirming if you’re in T1 is needed before doing a T2 application, some wing/region staff seriously need to pull their fingers out if they haven’t released the T1 lists locally.


An ‘as submitted’ list is not equal to who is eligible, it only confirms who each Wing has nominated, (although our Wing hasn’t even shared that). What’s needed is for HQ to confirm who MODMO has confirmed as being eligible.

However you want it worded, WHQs have been sent the lists of who is eligible under T1. If your wing are actively saying they haven’t got it, rather than just not sending it out, then something is not right!

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