Platinum Jubilee

Put a screenshot here for us Neanderthals who cant get it to show us.

It reads;
“It’s fair to say, that this process has been a lot more complicated and convoluted than it should have been! Understand getting the physical gongs is a logistics feat, but telling people they have been awarded one? That should be easy. And quick.
This org proves otherwise again.”


Wonder who posted that?


Or it’s a case of well done, you deserve it and have more than likely done more over your careers to earn it - remember they are NOT getting for being RAFAC HQ staff, they are getting it because they are serving RAF members so why should it not be celebrated. It’s the staffs fault that determining medal criteria for regulars / ftrs (who it is just a matter of time) is infinitely less complex than determining how many hours a volunteer has done. If our criteria was the same, I’m sure there would be people complaining that Joe Bloggs who hasn’t paraded for three years got one.

I’m sure they have far in excess of the necessary 5 years and genuinely well done, I’m not dissing them for getting their QPJMs in any way; HM has said that some of us should be rewarded for service during her reign and that alone is sufficient for me. What grips me is that this fine bunch of staff officers are part of an HQ which has failed those it pretends to support and which has left their volunteer colleagues with a distinct lack of knowledge which even the most incompetent of military staff organisations should have found relatively easy to collate and disseminate.

My underlying gripe is therefore that they have trumpeted this on the Commandant’s Twit page which they must know is seen by a lot of volunteers and that’s why it’s rubbing peoples’ noses in it. Whilst I celebrate their achievement, as I would do anyone gaining recognition of any sort, they are also being insensitive and as an HQ they have to think further than the next Twitter photoshoot.

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I know I’m eligible. My name should have been on the list submitted by my old Wing as that’s where my SMS record was sat at the time it was sent in (due to Wing HQ delays in moving me to my new Wing), except they went with the theory of, she’s gone so we don’t need to include her. My new Wing didn’t include me as they thought my old Wing would do it as they still had me on their books.
I’m having to wait for submission in Tranche 2, so yep, you can be eligible and still no medal.


I would put the blame on the person tweeting the photo, not the people in it who have all been told “here’s your medal, boss has said we’re now going outside to have a photo taken”.

Relooking at the photo - some of them don’t look particularly happy.


Working at HQ does that to you


To be fair they have to put up with our moaning


I agree. Those in the photo are deserving no doubt, it’s the twit who twitted it under the current circumstances (assuming they appreciate what those circumstances are) who would benefit from ‘adjustment’.

HQ, any and every HQ, has a duty to think of the implications of everything they’re doing, the ‘so what?’ bit of what they do or are about to do. That’s the thing which I think eludes some of the high-priced help we have at Cranwell.


Fixed for you

For what its worth. HIOW has had tranche 1 communicated.


SW region it’s on their SharePoint - actually it isn’t, thought I had seen it published.

Is it

Nothing heard from the Dragon side of the bridge. Some Very anxious people pacing around

Maybe mention neighbouring wings have to your wing staff?

List was sent out at least a week ago in 1 Welsh.


I’r gogledd o Gaerdydd neu Orllewin Caerdydd?

So basically there is no consistency on how qpjm eligibility has been disseminated as already some definitely know that they are going to get a medal, some definitely know they are not, some know they need to submit more evidence and everyone else left hanging with all query routes closed.