Platinum Jubilee

Can we at least not just be told first!


Surely you will know whether you are eligible or not? It’s a fairly straightforward criteria.

So I think I’m eligible, but need to use my time as a staff cadet.

So assume I go via the appeals process :man_shrugging: But do that without knowing what it is.


Doesn’t mean that they actually put you on the list :rofl:


Im 100% elligable. I have no doubts there.
But until ‘offcially told’ cannot wear the ribbon or medal.

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Has the list been released yet in SW

Ive been informed its out and about to be communicated, definitly work checking with the CoC

Thanks for the update, see how long it takes to sink down to the Sharp end

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I’m guessing 2025


Very pleased for all those at HQRAFC receiving their medals but CAC’s responses to those enquiring when CFAVs may see their entitilement confirmed is just a kick in the balls (for those that have them!). Come on Sir, instruct Wings to confirm who is receiving rather than just passing responsibility downwards.

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Grenade thrown.

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Yeah. But someone didnt like it.
Maybe Tonys on here.

Get back to work, youre not paid to surf the net!

On Twitter, I meant.

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Lets be clear about this.

Once the list had been centralised at HQAC for sunmission to the medal office. That is the point at which ‘tranche one’ are known.

At this point HQAC should have released this list as a one-er on sharepoint.
No local admin needed.

List could have been out PRIOR to HMs Jubillee.

Now, however it happens we didnt have the medals or at least clearance to wear for the one and only occasion it actually counted for!

However anyone wants to frame it, its bloody poor.


Ooooo lets looky looky

Got a link?

Well, that’s a fine example of leadership!

It’s irrelevant whether they’re Regulars or FTRS, unless the HQ is completely devoid of any brain cells, they will absolutely know that there is a delay in getting medals out to the volunteers. To publicise their receipt by the HQ staff is rubbing everyone else in the organisation’s nose in it. A case of ‘we’ve got ours, stuff the rest of you’!


Consider that although people may or may not agree with what you said, it’s still against the AUP here. Fair enough criticising people, but just insulting then isn’t the way.

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Reading the Twitter feed for that thread - which one? :wink: There’s a smattering of grenades albeit of different strengths.

It’s not likly to appear in anyone’s feed though unless you’ve tagged someone or used a hashtag.

I dont see any ‘grenade’ on there

There’s a reply direct to the commandant so it’ll be visible to him.

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