Platinum Jubilee

You obviously know your WExO well…

But it’s to be worn from the 3rd…… where the fudge did he get that idea from….

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But if they don’t promulgate the details, no one knows if they can or not wear the QPJM :man_shrugging:t2:

Just seen on Facebook that OC NI Wing was Presented his physical QPJM yesterday by a Secretary of State. So its just all the rest of us that need to wait an untold time to get it thrown over a desk.

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OC NI Wing has contacts… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I followed upwhat was happening with ours has we were told that we’d know before me this weekend - short response - ‘you’ll hear when we get the medals in stock and not before’. So, we could be ages off - not able to wear the ribbons even while we wait.

And this is why so many of us don’t use the chain of command. It’s got idiots in it who make up their own additional rules because they want to feel the rush of power.


Red arrows cancelled their fly past today :pensive: Was meant to be flying over Sussex and I’ve gone too a pub that was on the route :sweat_smile:

All flying for our local 2-day airshow was cancelled today, including reds. Low cloud base. Sky completely clear by the end of the day’s schedule. Yesterday was almost worse weather (storm trashed our marquee) but everything flew at least.

Wondered who’d be the first to put a salty FOI request in…

“I want ALL communication relating to decisions about the QPJM medal in Anywhere Wing”.

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Anyone know the person who put the FOI in?

I suspect the use of the word burner in the name may be a clue it’s a burner account. Their name doesn’t show up in the directory that i could see.

It appears they’ve withdrawn their request anyway.

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Probably been found out by CoC :roll_eyes:

Bunting now looks weathered and decidedly damp. And there’s a pile of chunder where somebody over indulged at the weekend. But there is still the curious sound of silence and accompanying tumbleweed when it comes to outcomes.

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Are you standing in my garden…?


See HQAC staff got theirs today…

At least has asked the question on rollout :roll_eyes:

Looking at the rank slides it appears these are Regular or FTRS RAF personnel so they would have been picked up on the Automatic JPA check in February with MODMO informed then so medals were likely sent out after that. Obviously MODMO were informed about those JPA Administered personnel quite awhile before the manual CFAV Tranche 1 names were submitted so we probably still have quite a wait.

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Ive heard unofficially medals will start to appear between July and September…depending which source you pick.