Platinum Jubilee

Got the notification that I got mine yesterday.

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Out of curiosity, anyone got any cadets in the back of the fly past aircraft for Trooping the Colour.

In the past there has been the opportunity flights but not heard anything this time around.

Watching the preamble to the Trooping of the Colour and they are showing and babbling on about the Coronation in June 1953. I thought this weekend is marking the Accession in February 1952.

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Ours came through this morning.

I’m not on it. I think our SMS records of my remote attendance in lockdown are wrong. So i will need to go through the Teams records to appeal.



Just a little embarrassing :flushed:


Grim task that…alot of people will be in the same boat


Anyone who stuck it through the lockdowns and stayed in, should just be credited as this should be reflecting the privations people have endured.
Another way to not value volunteers.

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Problem being that there are those who “stuck it” by carrying on, and those who did so by simply staying on the books and not leaving.


To be fair if they stayed on the books and have come back solve, rather than just throwing in the towel like many others they should get it.

This has all been made far too unnecessarily complicated.


Jeeeeez that sucks.

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The list hasn’t made it to dorset/wilts wing yet

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Nothing in Herts & Bucks because apparently the WExO believes no one should know until Monday 6 June. #empirebuilding


Incorrect # detected.

Should read #endofthebell

Absolute waste of everyones time doing the FOI for that.


It’ll get a null response too. They’ve not asked for specific information.

Please can you provide reasoning on the delay of announcements of QPJM awards in South West Region RAFAC.

This is asking for a reasoning, not a document or information as such. The proper request should have been more ‘Please provide emails relating to the delay in the QPJM medal issuing within SW region.’ That might get something.

Also can you please provide confirmation of names of those awarded within the region as they have not been communicated.

This will instantly be rejected under Section 40, personal information.

Silly request is silly.


Also, just seen that mountain and cave rescue volunteers were also included in the QPJM distribution! Awesome, and well deserved too.


A deserving bunch, I hope they don’t have the same hoops as us to prove they are worthy.

And what’s the betting our WExOs have included themselves on the lists?

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