Platinum Jubilee

Are you sure about that, I visited the Royal Mint last year and they were in the process of minting them.

Worcestershire Medal Service in Bromsgrove are the only authorised supplier of the QPJM.

The Royal Mint are the only authorised supplier of the QPJ 50 pence piece, £5 coins and Sovereign coins.


That’s interesting, they definitely were talking about minting the medals when we were there.

Maybe they built the originals etc and then contracted out :man_shrugging:

Ive just seen on the Volunteer Cadet Corps Facebook page that they have handed out the first QPJM’s to volunteers in the organisation.

A trusted HQAC source has informed me that there was huge fallout from the Golden Jubilee for the ACO at the time, just giving it out, that there is pressure from above to ensure they actually validate claims from WEXOs. Hence the delay in comms etc… Poor show by all to be honest.

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Very poor comms.
How can of the org know and not others!

Ive got an in uniform jubilee event next weekend.
Its the only event where wearing that specific medal will really be significant…

Absolute clusteromnishambles.


I’ve got multiple. Makes little sense and should be a source of embarrassment to not have sorted in time.

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Show off…

But youre spot on. It is an embarrasement for the org.

To be absolutely frank. I purchased a duplicate medal for the very reason that i didnt think the medal would be with me in time. Now that i can forgive as we are a volunteer org.
But to not have even released the tranche 1 list yet is unforgivable.

Tony presides over a failed org from top to bottom.

CS attrition at HQAC and at all levels is at an all time high and volunteer surpression is at maximum.

This whole medal debarcle is symptomatic of the basic fact we cant even administer a basic list!


Suprised this hasnt ended up on VoV yet… Normally first moan on acc… Then a question is asked there…

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Objection. Correlation not causation your honour.


Hecklers in the public gallery are seen lighting torches…

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Even if they haven’t got us the medals yet which is to be expected as the DIN itself said the delivery schedule was for most to have them by the end of June or July I believe ?

It would be embarrassing to not at least have the ribbon on for those occasions which can’t happen until you get confirmation of eligibility which is the lists that a trusted source at wing level has told me all WEXOs who submitted the Tranche 1 lists on time in the region I am in (and I suspect the wider corps) have had the confirmed list from HQ RAFAC for a few weeks at this point. Why they aren’t telling the people who are eligible in this first rough list I don’t know even if they didn’t publish a full list to spare any blushes. Some wings have published the info but their seems to be unneeded delays at either region or wing level in other cases

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If the medals had been sent out as per the last 2 and not got into a Duckworth-Lewis calculation, this would have been done. Who cares if some who in some eyes don’t deserve it, if they’ve done the time 5 years between x and y, they get it and not quibble and bitch about obscure mathematical scenarios.
Thankfully our council hasn’t tried to organise a parade, so I don’t need it, not that many would notice if you had one or didn’t or whether you should or not.

Well judging by th photos I saw from yesterdays Trooping Rehearsal even the Duke of Cambridge hasnt had his and he sees HRH more often than any of us.

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But he shouldn’t be wearing it now. No-one to wear it before 4th June unless on a formal parade with QE2 present. I imagine he’ll have it on for the real thing on Thursday.

His batman probably has the ribbon bar and court mounted medals ready to go the moment he takes off his uniform.

The two individuals in civilian dress riding behind him seemed to be wearing The QPJM but not him.

Maybe. But he’s got no excuse for not following the rules.

The two civilians (one was the Queen’s Head Groom) riding along behind William were members of the royal household, so they aren’t subject to the rules in Defence Instructions and Notices. It could be that they’ve got different criteria to the MoD - they get the medal after just one years service - so maybe they can wear it earlier? I saw other royal household members wearing it on the horse show at Windsor a couple of weeks ago.

Now William is obviously also a member of the the royal household so would qualify but I’m guessing that he wouldn’t as he was there in a military capacity as a Colonel, from the photos none of the other Army personnel wore it or the ribbon either.

A load more yesterday according to Twitter feeds…