Platinum Jubilee

Hmm… I’m spotting a little side hustle here for me and my legal brethren CFAVs. Let’s insist on affidavits from everyone. :joy:

At least in my wing looking in the names on the list I’ve seen that the permanent staff went and tried to find all over cadet service for anyone they could and got them in on tranche 1 so some wings went beyond the basic requirement that you’ve listed.

In a lot of cases I’m aware of the WHQ has been doing some work with the CFAVs who didn’t meet the requirements already in order to confirm them in to Tranche 1, that has included upsetting some people who didn’t make it.

We all know the ability of some WHQs varies and some may have taken it for just a data dump and follow up after but the process was poorly communicated and no one has formally let the CFAVs know from a HQ level as far as I’m aware?

Sure. Will go into uniform then…do I have to tell them my real age? (79) :wink:


Looks as though some Wg HQs have been going ‘above and beyond’, which is great; unusual in my experience, but still great!.

I think that the process which I mentioned outlines the ‘basic’ requirements on Wgs, which some have stuck to whilst others have done a bit more for their people. At the end of the day, HQs knew that they would have to address those who didn’t fall into the ‘automatic’ category and if they had the capacity to do that for Tranche 1, then why not get it out of the way?

It matters not whether some HQs have done more than they needed to, my original point still remains that it would have been nice if we’d all been told from the outset what the minimum actions of the HQs was going to be, rather than finding out, still unofficially, some 5 months later.

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Least your wing has actually released



I got an email saying I had qualified automatically and didn’t have to do anything.

My wife didn’t qualify based on SMS as she’s wing staff and wasn’t present on SMS registers in the same way I was. So we submitted evidence for her and currently waiting to hear.

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Same. It’s like…

But with bunting.


I have heard there is an issue with the QPJM and it being issued to members of AEFs.

Not sure of specifics but I doubt very much they will arrive before Friday.

Its a bit ridiculous.

Surely the minimum expected is that all elligable physically have the medal in time for the jubilee.

I have heard that the war in Ukraine has caused a nickel shortage & has delayed the logistics for getting the medals made.

Re AED pilots - I imagine covid prevented a lot of them completing the minimum number of days.

I don’t completely understand why the lists haven’t been released in my wing it’s out but in my neighbouring wings it’s not been released although I have heard on the rumour mill that all the WEXOs in the region got their wings tranche 1 lists at the same time.

Purely speculating, but if they are posting a public list, if a Wng Cdr, deputy or other senior Wng staff officer wasn’t eligible it may be a source of embarrassment in front of others in the wing. I know in my wing OC Sqns have been informed but not the wider personnel so I can understand why a list isn’t published for all to see.

No minimum number of days required for AEF pilots to attend.

From a personal perspective, I was in all through Covid.

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True but they could still inform Sqn Ocs of their staff who have got it which the wings I’m mentioning haven’t done and not publishing a list is only got to give a temporary reprieve for any embarrassment if a senior individual isn’t eligible then it would like be because they failed to do the minimum number of days in 21/22 Training Year and not due to anything that can be resolved in Tranche 2/3 which means their lack of the medal will be soon noticed anyway when people start wearing them.

I think its fair giving those who arent eligible the heads up first instead of findingnout via a list. I think thats worth a delay…


But they still could’ve done that months ago


Form our perspective it would be relatively easy to work out if you’d done the days required by checking how much VA you’ve claimed.

That only works where people claim everything and doesn’t cover the meetings and evenings where pay isn’t included.

Definitely helps and for some would be enough.

Thats a joke right?

Must be as its factually wrong. As my duplicate from Worcestershire medals os on my desk at home and they are the ones minting the oringals also.