Platinum Jubilee

Had mine confirmed today.

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Received mine today.

I know, not through rafac, but no pomp and ceremony, chucked over rects desk by the wobbly. Followed by ticking my name of a spreadsheet. Lovely stuff.


That’s how my boss wants to present them (and my preference for receiving) though we’ve been told the headmistress wants to do a formal presentation before a full school assembly.:sleeping:


Yikes… My OSM was chucked over a desk too. But being a techie, I have an inherent distain for the formal sort of thing

Oh. I think I might be a techie too.


Bags under the eyes?
Blood in your caffeine system?

The signs might be there.

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Our SLT decided that they wanted to actually present them, other boroughs did the same as yours though.

To be fair they didn’t make too big a deal about it, just got all those eligible from each team after briefing for a handshake.

The fact you have a headteacher expressing her interest in the cadet contingent is actually really positive for a change.


Oh no, don’t get me wrong. We’ve benefited so much from having her on board with it. She even made sure we had a new office and store room added to the most recent extension and gave us a chunk of field that we are going to rewild for fieldcraft training.


My duplucate medal from wosestershire medala arrived today…

No sign or word of the issued one though…

CoC slower than a slow slug, pulling a heavy bag, up a hill, against treacle.


At least you’ve got one coming, you could have moved house over the submission period and missed off the list by your old wing and new wing :see_no_evil:

I agree, it would be nice to award C.I.'s with some recognition of their service.

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This already exists.
CIs get certificates for long service.

If CIs want more. Then its simple. Go into uniform.

So CI’s get a certificate for long service, should eligible CIs not get a platinum jubilee certificate, based on the same criteria as the medal?

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My Wing are doing something like that, but think it’s just a Wing initiative.

And it leaves out uniformed staff who have only recently transitioned from CI in the last five years or whatever the criteria is.


My employer are doing a challenge coin for Police Staff who aren’t eligible for the Medal using the same criteria.

I think this is a great idea generally and should be done at HQ level for all CIs who meet the criteria. Challenge coin or similar would be a bit more expensive but easy enough to do in bulk.

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Thats a really good idea!
Maybe post it in VoV?
Im sure HQAC would take it on board.


They won’t. Precisely because it IS a good idea :wink:


So not far shy of 5 months since 2022DIN09-001 was issued giving the qualifying criteria for the QPJM, some of us have at last found out how Wgs are (were) going to manage things. Now to be fair, I think that what has been done makes eminent sense, it’s just that it would have been nice to have been told how it was going to be happen which would have reduced the pressure on full time staff and the number of questions on here too. From what I have gleaned, the process that has been applied is as follows:

First Tranche was simply a download of SMS attendance data over past 8 years taken in March. Wg HQs checked against qualifying criteria in the DIN and sent a list to HQRAFAC and thence MoDMO. I suspect that 8 years was used as it gave a degree of aggregation, but not the full levels as explained in the DIN which would have been time consuming to work out and check. So if you or your Sqn were poor in compiling SMS registers etc, then you wouldn’t have been included in this round. Also, anyone with anything other than the straight attendance needed, such as those with cdt service from age 18, those with gaps in service, ex Regulars or Reservists joining RAFAC, UAS members or even WSOs whose attendance isn’t recorded anywhere, were excluded, although I wouldn’t be surprised if WSOs got the ‘mates’ nod’ and were all included. I imagine that this first run was always intended as a ‘quick and dirty’ round to get those who automatically qualify. If you are in Tranche 1, you’ve apparently been told already and can wear miniatures etc.

Second Tranche is where everyone else who thinks they qualify has to state their case. I guess that it’ll be around September time that this goes in, so stand by for further details which should hopefully be issued from the CoC. What I would suggest is that those of us who haven’t automatically qualified in Tranche 1, start getting their evidence together such as Regular/Reserves Certificates of Service, or proof of cdt service from age 18. How you can prove weekly attendance if it’s not recorded on SMS will be interesting, perhaps a signed statement from OCs or WSOs will suffice, but if that’s the case, you’ll still need dates and times etc to present to your OC/WSO.

Good luck!