Platinum Jubilee

I’ve been told June.
We’ll see…

The DIN says the majority will be issued by June which is where I think people are getting that date, but that’s in the context of the JPA automatically generated lists for regulars. It doesn’t say anything about timeframes for CFAV distribution.

£120 for one!

How are people getting spares to.sell?
Or do peoppe just not care and bang them on ebay right away?

If you are eligible to more than one and don’t own up you can get 2, reservists who are in the police etc.

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Loads went up on eBay from the police (because they rarely get the chance to wear them). Many of whom were issued them before the 6th Feb. The first one on eBay went for £461.93 plus postage. Some silly collectors/Walt’s out there willing to pay stupid prices to get one early. Will be worth a fraction of that in a couple of years.


Lots of forces don’t even issue tunics anymore so zero opportunity to wear them.

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Much cheaper to buy an official copy from the manufacturer


That’s what I’ll be buying to have mounted.


I’m unsure - my DJM and CFM are copies mounted as it was cheaper to buy a set of court mounted full size, ribbons, and miniatures than to get my actual ones court mounted. However now I have to add in a third I either have to have my two copied unmounted then re-mounted, or mount my three originals - I think the cost will be pretty much the same either way.

The cost of mounting will be the same, but you will have the additional cost (£30 for a replacement QPJM). I’m still going that route as I like having everything in the original packaging.

I’ve deliberately held off on having my clasp added to save as I knew it was all going to need redoing now.

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Anyone know how many wings have now published their wing list in some form ie on sharepoint or via emails?

Apparently it’s the cost of living crisis.

Sounds like BS, no such thing as a poor fireman they all make too much money from their full time jobs

Fireman across the road just spent 100k on his extension, so agreed

Woah woah woah…
Everyone needs a side hustle these days…

For firemen…it just happens to be… being firemen…



So, according to one of our WSOs all Wings will be authorised to confirm list of recipents prior to the Jubilee Bank Holiday - We shall see !

Definitely hearing of more and more confirming awards.

Good job no one is attending any events where Medals can be worn over that weekend! :rofl:


Aren’t they? There’s a bloody big one in London that I know of! :crazy_face:

I think it was sarcasm…