Platinum Jubilee

Will the award of these medals be gazetted does anyone know?

No they won’t.

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List is reissued down the CoC.

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I’m surprised there is such a faff with it, if you have done 5+ years just wear it? Sounds like it will take so long to check no one will bother?



Spotted a QPJM out in the wild for the first time - interesting manner of wear!

Surely it should not be being worn yet?

Unless it’s a Jubilee event and the Queen is present. (Such as the horse show at Windsor the other day).

Completely forgot that caveat.

Shows how often I get to meet the boss.

That’s the way that women traditionally wear medals in civilian clothes. When women collect medals from the palace (eg MBE/OBE) they will be on a ribbon like that

MBEs and OBEs aren’t medals, they’re Honours. And you don’t get given one, you’re ‘appointed to’ or ‘made’ one. What they get presented with at an investiture is a Badge of Membership. But you’re right, the female version is usually on a bow.

Certainly not the way I wear mine in civvies - court mounted.

I think there’s a difference between “military people wearing them in civilian clothing” and “civilian people wearing them”.


And a difference between traditionally and current common practice


Indeed… That is ‘traditionally’ a female method of mounting, but I’ve never seen it for medals until now.
Orders, yes. As shown above it is still common for female Orders of chivalry.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen decorations mounted that way either… :thinking:

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I used to have a BWM, Victory medal and SJA service medal “group” in that style

That’s interesting.


Miniatures could be worn since Feb

Only if officially notified of being awarded…not entirely sure most members of the organisatiom have actually been told yet, given the list submitted this week still needs to be ratified by HQAC…

Could be 2 police officers though outside the RAFAC


Good point

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