Platinum Jubilee

I havent worn mine yet. But have purchased the miniature and ribbon etc.

There are a great many of us in the Corps who can quite frankly be solid in our confidence we are getting the medal…

I qualify based on parade nights recorded on sms alone.

But I wont wear the medal / miniature etc until told we can, as that is what the DIN says.

I was in Wing HQ last week and they’re currently going through the list of CFAVs to see who is eligible. those who are not, are getting informed and asked to provide the evidence if they feel they are, so very much still a work in progress where I am.

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I like the fact WHQ are telling those who haven’t before the list is published.

Allows things to be managed & the volunteer’s expectations to be managed especially in borderline cases.

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My TEST officer told me that I’ve been approved (along with a couple of my RAF staff) and that I’m in the official HQAC list that will be sent of to MODMO in May. MODMO won’t do any eligibility checks themselves, simply go off the list given by HQAC. I doubt I’ll get any other confirmation than that before the real thing arrives on my desk so I will be wearing my miniature at a white tie event next week.

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Ive heard from my wing HQ this morning that all our SMS events/attendance records need to be up to date ASAP as cranwell have required that the lists WHQ are working on need to be with them by early/mid April at the latest to give HQ RAFAC a month to do their checks (what ever additional checks they are going to do that wings havent) before submission to the MOD Medal Office.

Such an excellent waste of money for a minority that some feel don’t deserve it…

Or in another take it’s a well deserved token of appreciation from your sovereign for individuals who give a lot of effort for very little reward and help make the life’s of young people better providing incalculable monetary benefits to society. It will be appreciated by the majority who get it (yes I think
CIs should have gotten it as well).

Even if as in this case if it is just a medal representing the “4th Battle Of The Jubilee”
As I’ve seen it referred to on some forums.

It’s obviously nowhere near the level of a operational medal or similar but it is still a token of recognition from the sovereign so means a significant amount to a lot of people and may be the only medallic recognition they get for their time as a CFAV.


So….has anyone else’s Wing HQ sent out a big spreadsheet showing how many days everyone has done over the last 7 years….? :rofl:

Serious lolz

I am aware via CFAV colleague in the wing that a wing in England sent out a list of who was getting it a week or two ago well before they would have been confirmed and congratulating them all with some fanfare. That list has recently been withdrawn quietly.

I wonder what happened….

This particular wing HQ sent a list of all uniform staff and their days of activity as per SMS going back 7 years :see_no_evil:

now I could see that going out to each OC Sqn for their sqn staff being okay. The OC could then check those cases where someone looked like they weren’t eligible in the first tranche but the OC knew of factors that would make them eligible so issues could be corrected before final listed submitted. But a blanket email to the entire wing with all that info is just wrong imo.

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Hasn’t done wonders for some WSO reputations for sure


Wish my Wing would do that.
They’ve took it upon themselves to only accept details on SMS and are ignoring over 18 service as they don’t want the hassle. Might have to apply for mine after everything has died down.

Be warned.
The medal office are asking for signed declarations from HQAC to substantiate o18 cadet service for anyone who applys separately.
As 3822s and sms print outs can be forged.
Guess how many people hqac are going to do that for…

Total throbber in my wing has already been turned down by wing. Has also been told to wind neck in by hqac now.

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SMS downloads could potentially be forged but as far as I’m aware HQ RAFAC Pers staff now have access to SMS directly due to that becoming the primary source of personal Management with universe gone now so they can check the records themselves directly if given then appropriate info which would remove the ability of forgery. Wing Permanent staff can do these checks but if HQ RAFAC Pers staff wouldn’t take their word then HQ RAFAC Pers can do the check. This obviously assuming that the persons records are on SMS and not someone who was a O18 preSMS. Could they been told to wing their neck in because their is to be no Tranche 2 Apps till the end of May?

This Is one problem with the system it’s dependent on the willingness of of your local Permanent staff to go the extra mile.

From local knowledge my wing has gone out their way to get as many people into tranche 1 as possible actively hunting for records of Over 18 service where someone didn’t appear to have the required TYs and actively looking in every nook and cranny for records of events or activities to try and get as many people over the training day limits as possible while obviously achieving the required evidence level.

Seems other wings are doing the bare minimum.

This and if an individual has been sifted out by a WHQ, then HQAC arent going to double staff that sidt process.

My undertanding is that hqac will only be supporting MO requests which are for very specific cases or where for example an individual was not contactable during the phase 1 sift due ill helath etc.

So the list was due in to the medal office today. Odds on us being officially told we’re on the list before the medal arrives at our unit?

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According to the DIN manual applications wont be accepted till 30 May. That to me suggest the standard list should be confirmed by then otherwise how will CFAVs know to make manual applications. Although I may be thinking much too logically for the corps.