Platinum Jubilee

That wouldn’t surprise me either… and it also wouldn’t surprise me if nobody puts two and two together so everything is ordered new anyway. :wink:


There will be a change in cipher used on a lot of livery, which I am sure has been taken into account, given the plans for Charles’ coronation have been in place for a long, long time. I fully expect William’s and George’s have been sketched out.
Today with electronic embroidery the day to day things could be changed very quickly compared to the 1950s. Metal items stamped out of sheet metal as they would have been in the 50s, when everything changed when The Queen came to the throne. Anything done by hand of course would take more time, but how many items would be done like this? I used to marvel at a lot of intricate work in old buildings until TV programmes revealed the secrets, still a marvel, but now with an acceptance all is not as it seems.

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I think you mean ‘tunic’.

This is a ‘tunicle’…

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From many years of RAF experience in the good old days a clever stacker would be happy to give things away to save having to count them…

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Definitely happened in the last 10 years with an Army stacker… we did well out of it. Kit was due to go off to Op Herrick and then wasn’t needed. The stacker didn’t fancy the workload - easier to let cadets have it than count it all…


As the man said a year or so back, CFAV are only there to help the perm staff run the organisation

The medal distribution DIN has been issued:{E97CE862-6DD7-47EF-A48D-77FBA4834A29}&file=2022DIN09-003-The%20Queens%20Platinum%20Jubilee%20Medal%20-%20Administration%2C%20Distribution%20and%20Issue.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true

The date on that for CFAV is 10th May so fingers crossed we may know if we’re getting it by the anniversary of the jubilee in 3 years time?

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BRO is out for CCF(RAF). Only skimmed it but seems very much to be reliant on honesty for the efficient training years. Section commanders produce a report of eligible section staff, contingent commander signs it off, TEST officers collate for their region and send to HQAC for final yey or nay.

I assume ATC will be along similar lines.

Reading further into it RAF badged contingent commanders, TEST staff and HQ CCF staff all self certify. So I guess ATC will have similar for Wing staff and above?

Nope, my attendance on sms etc is being reviewed by perm staff

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How are they reviewing that for visits to Squadron parade nights?

Thats where the challenge is. Each wing is different, some on faith i have heard of a wing whos asking wing staff to produce historic copies of 1771, account form. 80s, diary scans etc as evidence.

Jesus. It’s a medal. Are we really getting this excited by it.

There’s a war raging in Eastern Europe, but for Christ sake don’t let sqn ldr smith miss out on his jubilee medal.


Anyone who has been in the organisation for more than 5 minutes shouldn’t be surprised by this sort of pedantic childishness. Remember admin wallahs in the Air Cadets have to how their job is necessary in some way and what better than asking people to do pointless things.

This will be because there is no way for RAFAC HQ staff to check Westminster, and attendance data is incomplete anyway because not all SSIs/CCs record RAF section staff attendance regularly. Cadet attendance is usually recorded because it affects the Contingent funds…

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That’s true. I’m just suprised by the pragmatic and trusting approach.


I’m interested in folks thoughts on this, particularly the methodology employed in checking for qualification for the award. My (probably unpopular) view is that I’m not interested. Coming off the back of a 20+ year career as a regular, with more operational service than I’d have liked, only to be told I’m not eligible without going through the appeal process and that the onus is on me to provide proof. All because I’ve been out of the airforce more than 10 years, and a CFAV for less than 5. They can stick it somewhere unpleasant. Especially when there are going to be a lot of CFAV’s from across the cadet world who automatically qualify despite having done nothing more “military” than don a uniform one or two evenings a week for a few years. I’m not a big fan of “attendance” medals in any case, leaning too far towards the American culture of giving out tin to all and sundry for no apparent reason. I appreciate I’m likely to be in the minority, but I’d like to hear what others think.


I’m confused. You’re not interested in the medal, but you’re irritated enough to post about having to apply for it.

I agree it’s not comparable with an operational medal and I don’t think anyone would suggest that it is. However, HM has decided to award it and there are going to have to be criteria and evidence needed for it. End of story in my opinion.


Exactly, no one is pretending it’s a VC or even an OSM, but it is awarded by the Sovereign and therefore there needs to be standards applied when issuing it. If people in positions where it can’t automatically be worked out can’t be bothered to dig out the evidence then they are more than welcome to go without. (I’ve had to provide evidence at work as I’ve moved organisations and I expect to have to do so again in a few years time when my long service medal is due for the same reason.)

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