Platinum Jubilee

Plenty of Victorian ones around where I live.


A very sexist comment.

I’m sure there were plenty of comment like that when every Queen came to the thrown. Why change from a King’s crown to a Queen’s crown :man_facepalming:t2:

Wait till he hears about the Royal Cypher changing on uniforms, post boxes etc as well

Erm looking at the cipher pictures by the daily mail showing the Kings Cipher - it just shows the one from King George VI, Charles would be Charles III, George VII or King Arthur I if he is feeling silly

The issue with changing the crown is that it would also apply to all the other realms (Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc) & would probably push them to into republics although it may be used as an opportunity to differentiate the crowns a little (so the king of Canada has a different crown to the King of GB)


I can’t find anything in the article regarding changing the crown.

It isn’t a king or queens crown. It is a Tudor or a St Edwards Crown - there is no male/female connotation other than by mistake.

He could very well choose to keep the St Edwards Crown.

If going back to a Tudor Crown I’ll wait until every button and badge is issued to me before I change them.

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That’s how it works anyway!

Considering half the uniform I should have been issued has been beg, borrow, steal I don’t hold out much hope of rebadging.


Some of our items on Sqn are that old they are already there. There’s probably a couple of CcF(RAF) that have items floating about with the old crown on :wink:

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I will prob be super ‘ally’ and stuck with Her Majs…


I’ll hold on to the current crown as long as possible, eventually it will become a rarity.

Unless Wills switches back


In that case you haven’t read the article fully:

This newspaper also understands that Charles wishes to use a new design on the official insignia which appears on postboxes and police officers’ uniforms – choosing the simpler Tudor Crown to replace the current St Edward’s design.

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I wasn’t referring just to us… Every military and governmental organization which currently uses the St Edwards crown will change. That’s a lot of buttons, cap badges, emblems, vehicle livery, &c which in turn requires a lot of alterations to supply contacts, significant man hours to convert…

…and the award for silly comment of the day goes to…


Theyve startes to be awarded for other organisations

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if we switch back to the “Kings” rather than “Queens” crown, theres a really good chance that these have been factored into plans for a while and stocks a plenty are already held.




That is the Daily Fail though. They might be correct, but I wouldn’t worry too much until it is officially announced.


I did feel dirty clicking the link. Hadn’t spotted it was the Daily Heil

Some Police Forces have theirs already dished out. Others haven’t heard a peep.

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So the MoD has had a large stock since 1952 and has been lobbying ever since to get them used up? :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t surprise me that there’s a warehouse somewhere filled with the like hence showing on inventory. Finding the warehouse where they stored them however :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Finding a blanket stacker willing to hand them out is another…

“Give you them? No chance, what happens if I need them?”

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