Platinum Jubilee

Do you know who is calculating this for CCF(RAF)?

I’ve heard nothing; our SSI thinks it’s being done through Westminster but I doubt that’s true for us (it will be for CCF(Army) and CCFRN I think.)

Heard it was Volunteer Portal but for regulars :rofl::rofl::rofl:


No. Not a thing. I asked our TEST sergeant if they knew. They said they guessed that pers section at HQ would send out lists to section commanders (or cont commanders to approve SC) at some point but don’t hold our breath on any admin having been done yet. They already have a backlog of CFMs to deal with first before looking at the jubilee medal.

Its shocking.
The CFM is just about the only reward and recognition we get.
HQAC should have a perm on this. Full time.
Only released for other work, once the CFM list is empty.

If theres One name on the list… that’s the focus.

Volunteers in an ungrateful organisation.

Hqac have never really appreciated the fact that without the 10000 volunteers and even fewer Officers and SNCOs, they simply would have to find new work.


I have known long services medals be refused by the recipient plus HQ may not be aware of attendance or other issues meaning the CFAV can’t be rewarded the medal automatically.

This probably prevents HQAC staff just running a report off & ordering the medals which would be easier for all. Instead they are relying on the individual completing the form, sending to wing, sending to region, sending to the right team in HQAC then sending it to the correct part of the MoD to get the medal & then in reverse when the medal arrives. That is of course if the form is correct & matches records & the rank has been updated. Throw in turn over of admin staff who don’t know the process & you can see the admin clogs.

Hopefully with the move away from universe & use of the volunteer portal it will make HQAC life a lot easier, give more confidence in the data & allow quicker turn around a on time.

Originally I was a bit annoyed with the requirements, as due to my Wing being inordinately slow with my application to go into uniform (21 months from start to OASC), I was commissioned in June 2017, leaving me just 4 months shy. But given the “penny pinching” approach to counting hours of service and what I know will be a torturous process to get past that in my Wing, I’m now kind of glad I’m just off the list.

Not that I have No.1 uniform to display it on anyway.

such as my clasp for my CFM, for example…

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I make it by a matter of days despite the delays. Must have been so annoying to be the other side of it through no fault of your own

I’d count yourself lucky that was quick compared to my wing, unless you were one of their favs of course.

Massive problem Corps wide I see.

Mates club.

Wouldnt mind, if it meant things actually got done…

But nope.

Nah, not one of their favs. Some who started their application after me got sent to OASC before. I had to “prove” myself at every stage, despite having been to the real OASC before, albeit a long (long) time ago (it was at Biggin Hill…)

I passed fine, unlike some fast tracked before me. Plus I’m still here, unlike most of the others. There is very much a clique (or three) in our Wing. I am not part of any of them, and cling on at the fringes.

Not wanting to identify anyone, but noticeable that a very senior (soon to be ex) police officer was not wearing the QPJM ribbon today despite being entitled to it.

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Maybe she’s being good and waiting for the official letter telling her she’s eligible. Or more likely has had bigger things on her mind than her ribbons


Shes standing aside… hasn’t said resigning…

She’s employed specifically as the Commish, if she isn’t the Commish she is out of the job.

Would crack me up if she buggered off elsewhere and became a Chief Constable though.

Should probably be in GMG but I’m absolutely fuming that she has been scapegoated for something that happened when she wasn’t even in the Organisation.


It seems that if our future King has been advised that way he doesn’t agree : Charles and Camilla to be crowned side by side | Daily Mail Online

Bloody hell… Cheers Charles. Like we need more massive upheaval…

I would hardly call it that!

A new cap badge and beret badge… hardly end of the world stuff!

Also all the extant postboxes etc dont change. Only new ones are styled differently. You can easily find post boxes with George VI or even a very few Edward ones!

The bank of England, has at any time ready to be pushed out bank notes with Charles on them. Not a full recirculation, but enough that they enter normal use quickly.

Likewise royal mail has normal 1st and 2nd class stamps ready to go.
Part of the new stamp changes coming up now with the barcode etc, is to deliberately remove as many of the random piles of stamps out there with HM Es face on it.

On accession day or as close to it as logistically possible, all post offices switch to the new Monarchs portrait.
Source - best mate is a posty, another runs a post office.

So new badges for us, just means a windfall for rip off direct. That’s all.

What upheaval?
If the changes mentioned are all part of the future and been touted for a while and not likely to change going forward it’s not going to matter. Personally I think after having had such a long reign, there needs to be something to mark the change. Dependent on Charles’ reign, William may make it to a Silver, so there won’t be any additional commemorative costs, post coronations.
The only outward change seems to be the style of crown, which I imagine will happen gradually in most areas and now with electronic imaging, computerised reproduction methods not as much of a problem when things had to be drawn and handmade as they would in the 1950s. I think many things like logos change on the whim of people needing to make it look like they are doing something or fit some socio-political agenda, not because it’s needed.

Not to mention buttons on tunicles etc