Platinum Jubilee

To be clear…
I far exceed the time requirements for the medal. As will many many others on here.

I will be wearing my medal ribbon and miniature with pride. From tommorow. IF I have requirement to wear 1s or 5s.

I will certainly not be waiting for some paper pushing admin to tell me I’m elligabke when it is cut and dry for my cohort.

For those who have to count days up and add in other bits of service… yes, definitly wait for confirmation. Could be embarrasing for you otherwise.

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Ribbon is on my PJs. Miniatures will be added on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries

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I also said this.
Let’s not selectively quote.

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I really wish messdress onesies was still in business

It wasn’t meant to be a dig at you


Im actually going to hold off buying ribbon and minature until i get official communication that im eligible, dont want to be spanking money on something id never be able to wear


How are we expecting to hear we’re eligible? Email, letter, carrier pigeon? From whom?

A random IBN published on sharepoint when the hype has died down no doubt!

Which will will be published sometime around the coronation of King George VII


My guess is: When the medal arrives.


Made me chuckle


I’ve just noticed that today is a really important day. Sod Accession Day. It’s my Cake Day on ACC.


Ooh!! Happy cake day @Farmerdan!!

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Could it? Who would actually know if you weren’t issued it? How would they know you weren’t issued it from another source, eg. Your employment?

I don’t think anyone would actually know.

Maybe in 50/100 years when they release the model roll. If a collector picks up your medals that your kids have pawned they’d see you weren’t on the list if they decide to research you.

Obviously I’m not suggesting anyone do this, and that could obviously be a disappointment - but if any CFAV were desperate enough they could either;

Falsify over 18 service (if pre sms days).


Just wear one anyway and say they got it issued elsewhere.

IF anyone ever challenged them. Which I don’t think is likely to happen.

I was actually thinking of simply along the lines of think you had qualified for it.
Buying all the stuff, wearing it, then being told nope, having to take it off…

People might notice that.

I would highly reccomended no one wears it unless they are 100% sure they are elligable first.
Like 100%.

Any saddo walt who is really that desperate… to falsely wear a jubillee medal needs their head read.



I agree with you, but I bet it happens somewhere!


Medal appeared on JPA yesterday :partying_face::joy:

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Whats JPA? :joy: