Platinum Jubilee

Only if it is a simple one. Those who are eligible due to service in more than one organisation will have to apply through the organisation they are currently a member of, giving details of prior service.

It’s the 5 years effective service (proved by the training days) that is causing most of the confusion depending on what definition you take of that paragraph. For example I have over 1826 days (5 Years) so that is easy and we can ignore that part as that’s easy to confirm or not for everyone.

The issue for a lot of people comes with the requirement for 5 effective years with 21/22 being one of them. Using myself as an example I either have 4 or 7 effective years depending on if the effective year requires you to be in post the entire 1 Apr -31 March or not which isn’t explicit in the DIN.

I have 4 effective years if you need to be in service the whole year and also gain the requisite number of training days for that specific year. and 7 if you are only required to be in service for part of that year and gain the requisite number of days to count as one of the required 5.
If the first view is correct this could mean you could have over 2000 days service but only have 4 “effective years”

(This second view ie only part of training year required to be effective if you meet the 15/10/7 days is the one most people are taking but theirs nothing in the DIN that explicitly says so but i would suggest is implied by the separate requirement for 1826 days.

This could be something that should be clarified to provide more definitive answer to people. In my case this also assumes that HQ RAFAC can somehow connect my cadet and CFAV service which I doubt considering I was a cadet before SMS was in widespread use and also in a Sqn that has since closed but that’s a separate issue

WTF is going on, I don’t remember all of this soul searching spreadsheet worthy work for the G and D JMs?
TBH the powers that be should be eternally grateful that
1 we volunteer
2 we decide to into uniform to perpetuate things
3 put up with all their BS

Someone deep in the CS making this a box ticking, “clock watching” exercise is very unhealthy.

As someone with 2 long service awards from my old job the very fact you were employed was sufficient. There were people who had plenty of time off sick and they got them just the same. No one ever said anything along the lines of they’ve been off sick and don’t deserve it and the company records far exceed anything related to personnel than you would ever see in the Air Cadets, to make this possible. They can’t even give you a list of sqn cdrs, let alone anything else.

So to say person A is eligible and B isn’t when even the most basic thing, attendance at parade nights is really properly recorded ie clock in/out. How are those who do shift work or work away from home on business, treated? We have staff in the Wing who worked on the rigs and several who as project managers/developers spent weeks away at a time. These have one or both of the previous commemoratives and will no doubt get this one. When they won’t have been at the sqn to accrue quarter days, but I expect the over zealous types will be on top of this as they see fit and making sure people don’t get it. Of course this only really applies to those on sqns and completely overlooks Wing or Region staff and those at HQAC. How do they accrue their hours, given they effectively go ‘missing’ on appointment?

I could just imagine if someone was off sick for a lengthy period in the Air Cadets, the churlish and childish attitude of the T&C would I suspect see them barred as they hadn’t ticked sufficient boxes or moans that they had been off sick and not ticked enough boxes from some of their fellow staff. Well that’s if they hadn’t been asked to leave in the meantime because they were unwell and not turning up. How many staff have had to stay at home during the pandemic either isolating or shielding for themselves or because of their family?

Its 70 years since Accession Day.

God Save The Queen.


Congrats to Big Betty!

If HQAC are still holding details of cadets from pre SMS then they are highly likely to be in breach of GDPR which says :

Personal data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed

I can’t see that HQAC would have considered or be justified in retaining personal data on cadets on the off chance that they might qualify for a medal years later.

The only way cadets from pre SMS O18 service are going to get the QPJM is proving it.

I THINK its for 7 years due to litigation stuff but im sure one of the legal bods on here can tell me if im wrong or not

Isn’t it 7 years after you turn 18


I wouldn’t have thought anybody would need to fish around for pre-SMS records to justify a medal. Given we’ve had it for 12+ years!

Why would they have to? Surely it only matters for people who only became staff three years ago.

The DIN says mom-consecutive, so technically you could’ve been a Cadet 30 years ago and then become staff 3 years ago. (It’s not going to affect many, but there are bound to be a handful).

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Something like that

What do they does HQRAFAC currently use/require for proof of over 18 cadet service for the Cadet Forces Medal does anyone know?

Using the new CFM 2020 rules is it just as simple as a honesty system of putting on the 00250 hey I was a cadet 35 years ago with dates showing from 18-20 give me 2 years towards the CFM please and HQRAFAC take that at face value or do they come back and ask for proof. However they work it for that is likely however they are going to have to work it for the QPJM?

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Has anybody been wearing their ribbon at an ATC Sunday event today?

Pretty sure the DIN said not to be worn before 7th Feb didn’t it?

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Ah, my bad!

I’m sure it also says ribbons are not to be worn till formally confirmed to the individual that they are entitled which for those whose only eligibility is via the cadet forces could be a while even in the cases of those who are definitely eligible they would still need to wait for that formal confirmation.

A fully signed up 3822 would do the trick for the oldies alluded to, joined on, left on, none of this SMS rubbish. Which for some like moi who left on their 22nd birthday, should equate to 4 years “adult” service. Also I have my 3822a and exam record card, because I was given them by my old OC.

Yup. Although today is accession day it’s deemed to be bad taste to celebrate today as it’s celebrating the late King’s death

in your case you would still only be able to use 2 years towards the CFM as a max of 2 years of cadet service over 18 is useable even if you did 4 from 18 -22 according to the 2020 medal regulations