Platinum Jubilee

I know this and makes the discussion on here somewhat moot and suggestion that it is recognition for CFAV of their service even more so.

To say it’s not recognition of service is to completely ignore that there are minimum service requirements - the slightest application of critical thought would spot the dissonance there.

There’s also this, I suppose:

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries said:

Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is a wonderful opportunity to recognise the dedication and service of those who, like the Queen, tirelessly serve our country.


“a small proportion of those who tirelessly serve their country and in the right place at the right time” would be more accurate.
Maybe the 2 I’ve got never felt like recognition and neither will this one.

As always in public service “bound by the effort required to deliver them & short time scale”

Five years service will be applied as this is the easy bit - the effective service days enforcement will vary on the quality of the data, the ability of the paid individual to use excel, the amount of time there have to turn around the report, the amount of annual leave they need to use before the end of the month & how the individual interprets the rules. I suspect no-one will be double checking to remove people off the list rather than adding on.

Fully expect variations in eligibility across service & regions.

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Indeed Sir Humphrey…


Hi does anyone know if over 18 cadet can use their two years toward the five year for the jubilee medal in the RAF or Uniformed Staff?

This was mentioned above. So it’s a yes for CFAVs but unsure about if a cadet joined the regulars at 20, if that then counts or not.

Just as an aside, if a parade night counts as a quarter then a days training is set as an 8 hr day.

So in volunteering expectations are

Normal year :- 120hrs
2020/21 - 56hrs
2021/22 - 80hrs

So 500hrs worth.
Would someone who exceeds 500 volunteer hours in the last 5years but not 56hr in 20/21 be eligible or would they have to make a case for it?

Considering some wing/sq events where volunteers put in 12hr days can these be counted as 1.5 days?

I’ve heard that not that many volunteers are actually qualifying for the medal even when you ignore covid.

Ok if we go back to the the Diamond Jubilee, say I have two years cadet service (game 18 - 20) from May 06 to May 08, from May 08 to Sep 09 I was a CI (unsure if CI service counts) then joined the regulars Sep 09 until and past Diamond Jubilee date. Would that count at all, does anyone know?

Over 18 Cadet Service did not count towards the diamond jubilee medal so for the diamond jubilee medal no

The interesting thing for a lot of people is going to be can a training year count towards one of the 5 effective years of service if you were only in service for part of that year but achieved the number of days active. (Not talking about the 1826 day requirement as that is separate)

Ie I have 5 and a bit years eligible service in days including over 18 cadet service. However I was only in service for 4 full training years (including 21/22) from 1 April - 31 March in those years but I have another 3 training years where I was in a eligible post for parts of the training year ie from my 18th birthday till the end of that training year and from the April after my 19th birthday before till I aged out at 20.

Also the year I went into uniform was after the start of the training year.

Do they count as eligible training year assuming you do at least minimum number of days in the part of the year your in an eligible post. Ie in this case I would have enough service in days ie more than 5 years but I would also have 7 effective training years. My guess is yes but interested in anyone else’s take on it as this question probably applies to a large number of individuals who will need to use their over 18 Cadet service for eligibility.

I think it would also apply to everyone who couldnt do anything during covid lockdown

If you’ve got the effective qualifying days in the four years prior to covid and then qualify in the jubilee year then I think you should be okay as you are allowed a break of service.

One key question is whether over 18 service is recorded on universe or not as other wise it wouldn’t be picked up.

I’m not sure about universe but the records will still be on sms for those thst have been a cadet since sms introduction although I’m not sure what individuals I’m assuming it will be at some level of permanent staff at either HQRAFAC/RHQ/WHQ can see them as they disappear from sqn view after a year but still can be recalled if needed. No idea how anyone from before sms introduction will prove service if they don’t have their original 3822. Their must be some manual application process that they either haven’t told us about or figured out how they are going to do yet because cadet service likely won’t be part of any bulk download form universe I’m guessing

On the issue of eligibility in my case and I’m sure others it’s not the days that are the issue I have more than 1826 days it’s what counts as a training year is it 15/10/7 days at any time of the 1 Apr -31 March counts even if you only in a cadet over 18 or uniformed post for part of that year (as long as you have the 1826 days) or do you need to do 15 days and be in post the whole of the training year for it to count as a of the 5 effective years that you need on top of the 1826 days service.

My reading is that you don’t need to have been in post for 365 days of the training year, only to have the minimum number of days training within that year. So if you were only a cadet over the age of 18 for one month of that training year, but during that month you attended a two week camp in Cyprus (14 days) and a wing training day then you’d meet the 15 days and it would be an effective training year

I’m somewhat enjoying watching people counting up and gathering ‘days’ and trying to get to the magic number…like trying to catch the one ring or something…

Although I do Remember when it was me.

Can make one feel older than one is.


Its quite simple if youre eligible youll get it, if not you wont


Like it will be that organised


I’m eligible, but only due to prior RAF service. I can absolutely guarantee that RAFAC won’t put that together.

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This makes Duckworth-Lewis look easy.

It should be 5 years in, get it end of, not bizarre calculations, which seem to be made up for the likes of us.

It’s not that difficult really. The difficulty comes in how a CFAV time is recorded. You complain that it’s a medal that means nothing, but then want to have everyone getting it regardless of their contribution over that time. If you read the DIN rather than living in anti-cadet fantasy land you’ll see that reservists have similar requirements and if you have a combination of regular, FTRS and/or VR service the calculations get even more complex than us.
Our requirements are twofold:

  1. 1825 days in uniform and still in uniform tomorrow.
  2. 5 effective years service. Each year runs 1st April to 31 March and between those date you need to complete 15 days (a parade night is quarter of a day), with 2020/21 being 7 days and 21/22 being 10 days due to Covid. One of your effective years must be 21/22