Platinum Jubilee

:rofl: I always think it fair to warn others downwind


Based on a conversation yesterday there appear to be a few nervous CFAV worried they won’t get the medal based on what the did last year.

Current rumour around my way is that Sector Commanders will be getting a list from the WExO which they will be responsible for approving or not, with the ability to argue for the inclusion of people who are missing (such as those with amalgamated service).

In our Wing, OCs are going to get a list to check, but I don’t know how flexible they’ll be.

I suspect there several people who won’t qualify, including some inactive WSOs and OCs whose Sqns are still shut. If they’ve done nothing for a year or more, that seems fair.

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Absolutely fair.

The criteria are there. Must be upheld to maintain the integrity of the medal.


And therefore, as discussed earlier in the thread, anyone on NEP will not be eligible as would have not met the criteria on attendance :man_shrugging:t2:

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I think some wiggle room should be allowed - CFAVs for example who couldn’t attend virtual parades due to being front line NHS (and not eligible for the gong through NHS). This is just one example - especially if the CFAV in question had good attendance over the previous years.

Considering that the Ribbon and Miniature can be officialy worn from 7th this is all being cut very fine, so im guessing the admin side of this is going to run for a while before the first ones appear on RAFAC chests.

That’s more of an MOD delay issue than a RAFAC one.

Depends on how organised Wings are I suppose, the requirements are out there and all they need to do is tell people that they have met the requirements.

Once they have been told they can wear the ribbon and the miniature.

Devon & Cornwall Police have issued medals down there although they can’t be worn until June.

They must be the ones already on eBay lol

This is all really amusing and very first world problem.
How many are going to get an opportunity to wear it before Feb 6 any way.
Unless someone makes up an event to wear medals, I doubt many would wear them before June, if there is a parade or similar in their area and then you are looking at maybe Armed Forces Day or BoB. All in all plenty of time to get one. Although I wouldn’t expect it, there would be some in the Air Cadet fraternity who will get all giddy about wearing it.

It shows how well things are going when who can/can’t get one or then when will they wear it, is a topic of heated debate. The rules for getting one are there and that’s the end of it. When all said and done no one has had to do anything special or go above and beyond to get one. Does anyone take any notice of what medals people are wearing? I’ve still got to get my DJM mounted and no one has ever said you aren’t wearing a DJM, when I have my CFM and GJM mounted, which I got at almost the same time, so it was cost effective.

I frankly don’t see the need for commemoratives like this, especially taking into account the cost involved, which could be put to much better use, than filling up a medal bar.

Well I’ll be wearing my miniature at a wing dinner before June. And since you can’t wear the full size before June that doesn’t really matter. It would be nice to get it before June so that we can get them court mounted ready to wear from the day - if everyone in the military tries to get them court mounted in June we will be waiting weeks for them to get done.

“CFAVs don’t get enough recognition”
“Not enough is done to reward the work CFAVs do”

Smash cut to:

“Why spend money recognising CFAVs?”


Only uniformed CFAVs, get this what about CIs, where is their “recognition”? If that’s what this commemorative is. Something like this doesn’t make me feel all warm in terms of recognition.

What is this recognition for, other than just being in uniform and meeting the criteria which people seem only to eager to argue the toss over whether a couple of days here or there will mean they get one. As I say nice to know everything is rosy, that this becomes such a topic…

I could think of a whole lot of better ways to use the money to treat ALL CFAVs in recognition for the graft. If HQAC stumped up every year for a few games of bowling or similar entertainment, followed by a meal of choice, that’d do the trick, better than some bling.

Medals of all sorts in general seemingly mean very little, given how many are on the open market lying in bric a brac / antique shop cabinets.

Save your VA up?

Also, hqac don’t pay for the medals.

Will you be rejecting yours as it’s so meaningless, out of principle against the cost, or in solidarity with CIs then?

Recognition for CIs is a valid point (discussed already above in the thread so I don’t think we need to reopen that), but out of our control. You’re pointing a finger at HQAC when they haven’t set the rules - and is it even their budget? I don’t think so…

Probably quite the opposite I’d imagine - if everything was rosy there wouldn’t be such a scramble to not be missed due to a technicality (or more likely, ineptitude above). If CFAV were happy with their lot there would be far fewer worried about it. But right now, after what has been a very difficult time, there’s a glimmer of something good. In normal times it would be less of an issue also because the cut-offs would be simpler, so considering that it’s no wonder people are more focused on if they can or can’t get it.

Yet here we are, with SOMETHING at least somewhat positive to look forward to, and still you’re a beacon of despair.

So yes, some will be missed, but there’s an alternative to no one missing out which would be everyone missing out. Also, what would be scrapped to pay for these staff jollies? Who would complain at whatever is lost from the cadet experience, or if a positive loss would the complaint instead be that the savings should have been invested in some other part of the cadet experience? Experience tells me there’s a high chance of that happening in this hypothetical scenario.


SOP though isn’t it…

The old “If that’s the biggest thing to worry about…” twaddle has always been a fundamentally flawed gripe.

Do you know how many CFAVs dislike bowling? - it’s bad enough trying to get staff to cover it when we take the cadets.

What Volunteers tend to like in terms of recognition is something tangible, something to keep & something that easily makes sense to people outside the organisation.

Medals & bling is good. Certificates can be nice provide they are from something that makes sense to outsiders (Lord Lt = yes, AOC 22 grp = meh)

As an aside it is a friend in the sea cadets has told me that what they are doing is that all those who meet the criteria of the jubilee medal apart from being in uniform (UMT, CIs etc) will get a platinum jubilee certificate of recognition. No reason why RAFAC cannot do something similar (e.g. Cadet Forces long service certificate).

Personally, whilst I don’t mind a game of bowling and I enjoy eating, it wouldn’t make me feel recognised. I’d just think “what an incredible waste of money!..”

I’ve always believed that what really makes people truly feel valued and recognised is not trinkets or thin gestures, but having their skills and ability recognised, respected, and made use of.
We all volunteer with the intention of achieving something. To have one’s expertise on the table but passed over is probably the quickest way to make staff feel like nobody cares about their service.


Which is itself a more localised issue of leadership, not an HQAC one.

Sounds like a good idea.

… something that lasts. I’ve always thought the same of workplace team building trips. The effects wear off after a couple of days back on the grind and the stories of whatever your activity was wear out.

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