Platinum Jubilee

No idea, but I would also like to know the answer to this!

Nepotism, well that’d a be a new one. If you can’t use family and friends it wouldn’t be right.


It seems HM must read ACC :wink:


A pleasant surprise, with my O18 service back at the turn of the century I actually qualify.

Now to figure out who I need to let know about said service as CCF(RAF) - because I am sure HQ won’t join the dots on their own haha


I think there is another DIN due out shortly detailing the claim and sign off process. I’m in a similar situation which, as you say, is a pleasant surprise

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I overheard a conversation a few days back suggesting that everyone with straight five years CFAV service will be issued the medal based on HQAC records via Wings - Anyone with anything more complicated will have to apply via the MOD medal office and provide proof of service.

HQAC have left this really late given miniatures and ribbons can be worn in just over two weeks!

Not sure we can blame HQ RAFAC for the short notice from what I heard the first DIN only been released less than two weeks ago.

How can a Ex Cadet one who would be on SMS provide proof of service that would be acceptable to MOD Medal Office? For example someone whose cadet service was on SMS obviously can’t be seen anymore at any level but HQRAFAC after 1 year from end of cadet service. How would that be shown to the Medal Office So the individual would need to go to HQ RAFAC for the proof assuming that was acceptable. it is going to be a big admin burden what ever way it goes.
And what about those whose cadet Service was pre SMS.

Your 3822/ROS book if you still have it?

going off topic…a little.

now i recognise that neither the gold, diamond or platinum jubilee medals are made of their respective material - but out of curiosity i looked at what the next (80th) jubilee would be and its oak.

I know it is hugely unlikely that the boss will last that long (God Save the Queen) but would it not be a great way to recognise the achievement by having a medal made of oak - a unique medal for the unique achievement
with CNC machines the way they are today, in ten years time creating a medal with all the required embossing on it wouldn’t be impossible (although I accept wildly time consuming)

just a thought on a Friday afternoon i wanted to share

Maybe that’s the plan with these trees from the Platinum Jubilee…

5 years growth should make them wide enough for either miniatures or full sized gongs. Then it’s just a case of slicing and dicing! :slight_smile:


A wooden medal mounted next to chrome plated ones would truly look like a ‘chocolate medal‘ :joy:

Nice idea but would look atrocious.

That’s a bit of a downgrade isnt it?



Surely slice of Moon or something. For 80 years!

That’s the one after :slight_smile:

Had a quick look and if it’s the same source then 80 is oak and 90 is stone.

Might be a bit labour intensive chiselling out all those medals :slight_smile:

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But a medal made of cheese would stink really badly after a year or so

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Back to basics after a certain amount of time :’)

Or ran out of ideas.

I’d suggest potentially an inlay over a completely wooden medal.

Valid - never expected to last that long etc. Your suggestion has to be more cost effective, but… I’d suggest hardboard rather than oak, or perhaps a veneer…?

When you get wind, send up a flare :slight_smile:

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I prefer to be more discreet when I get wind…