Platinum Jubilee

I was just looking and realise that my 2 years over 18 service straddles 3 qualifying years. Having done flying scholarships, overseas and domestic camps and another high commitment course in that time I would easily get 3 years for the purposes of (b), albeit only 2 years for the purposes of (a).

Also, need to go back and check Westminster registers as I’m sure the old SSI didn’t record events properly.

A parade night being 0.25 of a day means in a normal (non-covid) year you need 60 parades if you don’t do any camps. I can see a lot of CCF staff struggling to meet that requirement with only one parade a week during term time. Will be interesting to see the next DIN which will outline who signs off claims


This is an intersting point.

There are many many of us who meet the 15 days requirement after 3 months…

Then there are an awful lot more who take the whole year to do so.

Then a large minority, who whilst in uniform, will struggle to justify the 15 days. Or 60 parades.

Up to the CoC to be honest and uphold the values of the organisation.

If people make the cut. Great.
If people dont. They dont.

Should be that simple…
But I fear they will be much wailing and nashing of teeth over this.

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This phrase needs using more

I was thinking this with regards the years 2020 and 2021 for those who couldn’t have attended events due to the pandemic, or chose not to to keep numbers down at units.

the likes of Alex Corbin who have family isolation needs and thus haven’t attended even when we were F2F.
I know others local to me who are of a similar situation, either unable to attend or have only attended when asked to run a lesson, keeping staff in the office/on site numbers down to a minimum/only those required for that night and so have only done a handful of events.

It would be a shame for those individuals who have complied with both Govt and RAFAC guidelines by “WFH” (ie the admin they might have done at Sqn or virtual parades) and attended Squadrons only when necessary as they had valid input for the training program to be missing out on the medal simply by following the C-19 guidelines they were asked to comply with!


That’s where I would hope a pragmatic approach would be taken. If you’re doing admin at home that would be your role on a parade night then it should count. I guess it will come down to how well you get on with your WExO/TEST staff/whoever is signing it off

Last time they didn’t check at all, everyone who had 5 years got it and there was no interest in checking registers etc.

It needs to be pragmatic, there are people out there who work their backsides off behind the scenes to deliver a week or two per year. There are also Squadrons out there who are really gash at updating Bader, really bad if your Adjutant is rubbish and you miss out because of them!

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Yeah my sms account doesnt reflect reallity.

Also those on wing staff head count wont have parade night entries on sms


Doesnt reflect reality for anyone…

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Do you know how it worked for someone who didn’t have 5 years CFAV service but maybe had more than enough years once you took in previous regular or reserve service. What was the process for them to claim it as they obviously wouldn’t appear on a mass dump from sms or universe of 5 years service so wouldn’t be on the original list. That will apply this time to previous regulars/reserves and also to those who was a cadet Over 18 who are eligible using that so will be a big population so curious how they dealt with it last time.

Took me a second to realise I shouldn’t take that personally…

I think I am actually eligible. Whether I’ll bother applying or not is another matter.


I dont think you apply for this one…

Im pretty chilled about most things in life

But this takes the biscuit

The cadets wouldn’t automatically know about my previous service that makes me eligible, so I’d have to put in some sort of request.

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The eligibility for the QDJM was completly different from the QPJM.

This is the first time the eligibility has been widened out to the extent it has.

Did you not declare it on your joining form (assuming they keep the data somewhere)?

Yes, but I’m finding the notion that all that info is linked up, available, looked at, and acknowledged (in this organisation), extremely far fetched.


Forgive me is this has been answered elsewhere but when do you have do have done the five year qualifying service in the last five years.

So I missed out on my Diamond jubilee so haven’t used any of my service to qualify for any medal.

Lock downs been awful due to being a key worker and technology so last couple of years have been squiffy.

I suppose what I’m asking is - if you had five years effective volunteer service prior to lock down would you be eligible still?

My reading of it is 4 of the Training years effective service can be from any year going back as far back as the cadet forces have existed but 1 of the 5 needs to be the 21/22 training year with 10 days.

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It’s gonna depend on your CoC, technically you need your 10 days or equivalent in parade nights in that year.

I suspect that no one is going to check and it will just be a gizit if you have been in uniform for 5 years.

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I think it’s the more joining up of all the admin. Not everyone claims VA days as it is. Then you got things like remembrance parades (which should count as either a quarter day or half day).

it does feel like a move of goal posts by the short notice definition of effective year service, - it’s a pity they didnt give this definition long ago as it’s far better than 12hrs a month service.