Platinum Jubilee

Can someone post the DIN please.

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Indeed. But would marry up with the CFM eligibility

If you do get a copy up on here wait for the charge to the front…There will be many eyes waiting to scrutinise this when it comes out, looking for whatever loophole they can find,

:medal_military: :medal_military:

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To quote the DIN…

Miniatures and ribbons may be worn no earlier than 7th Feb, once eligibility has been confirmed.
The medal itself can not be worn prior to 3rd June, unless at a jubilee related parade with HM in attendance after 6th Feb.

CFAVs: 5 years as a uniformed member of the cadet forces as an adult volunteer or cadet over the age of 18.
Any service must have started in or before 7th Feb 17 and service with the cadet forces before 31 aug 21. Personnel must be effective on 6th Feb 22.

5 years with a minimum of 15 days volunteer service per raining year, with weekday evening parade nights counting as ¼ day. Because of covid, 20/21 is 7 days volunteer service and 21/22 is 10 days.

Those subject to disciplinary or admin action on 6th which could result in termination are not eligible.

The DIN states five years membership and five years effective volunteer service.

There are statements for broken service in regular forces, but none for CFAVs I am afraid.

My best guess is you must have had five years membership with a full five years effective service in the past 5 years, with 21/22 being mandatory. However, if you have more than 5 years service, as long as the last year is logged, I think you’re golden. The last year is the only mandatory year.

h. Uniformed Cadet Force Adult Volunteers of the MOD sponsored Cadet Forces

(1) Basic Criteria. A minimum of 1826 days (5 years) membership (not necessarily continuous) of the MOD sponsored Cadet Forces as a uniformed adult volunteer or as a cadet over the age of 18; additionally, any previous qualifying Regular or Reserve service may count in accordance with Para 8 below. Any service must have started on or

before 7 Feb 17 and service with the Cadet Forces before 31 Aug 21. Personnel must be in effective service on 6 Feb 22.

(2) Effective Service. In addition to the membership requirement above, personnel must have completed five years’ effective volunteer service, defined as a minimum of 15 days’ volunteer service per training year (1 Apr to 31 Mar), with weekday evening parade nights each counting as ¼ of a day. To recognise the effects of COVID-19 on the levels of training, the minimum requirement for the training year 2020/21 is reduced to 7 days’ volunteer service and, for 2021/22, to 10 days. The training year 2021/22 must be one of the qualifying years to count.

(3) Those nominated must have the endorsement of their cadet unit commander that they fulfil the criteria for the award of the medal.

(4) Cadet Force Adult Volunteers who are subject to disciplinary or administrative action on 6 Feb 22, which could result in termination of their Cadet Forces membership, will not be eligible for the medal until the final outcome of that action has been determined. If the action results in termination of their Cadet Forces membership, and if no appeal against that outcome is upheld, the individual will not receive the medal. In all other outcomes, the individual’s eligibility will be determined in accordance with the normal criteria.

Assuming that the details posted above are accurate The fact that over 18 Cadet service now counts lines it up with the Cadet Forces Medal in terms of what service counts and so will make a lot more CFAVs eligible for this Medal but I’m sure will make the Administration of the award of it a lot harder and slower.

My situation which a number of people will share the same rough situation in terms of eligibility. I am not eligible just using my SNCO CFAV service having just under 4 years service on the relevant date.

I have completed “effective service” as above for the 3 whole training years 19/20 & 20/21 & 21/22 and also completed more than the minimum 15 days for the training year 18/19 after becoming SNCO although I didn’t hold a uniform post for the whole training year 1 Apr -31 March.

I also completed 2 years service as a Cdt over 18 in the 2000s over 3 Training Years 2005/6 2006/7 and 2007/8 ( on that matter how do you prove Cadet Service this long ago or even more recently?)

My reading of whats posted above is (and I could be completely wrong) is that I and others in similar situations will be eligible because as long as an individual did 1826 Days overall. Whats posted above suggests assuming you also meet the 1826 days overall that The effective training years do not have to full years ie 1 Apr - 31 March as long as you do 15 days activity /parade night equivalent for the part of the year that you are in eligible post ie Over 18 Cadet or over or Uniformed CFAV (for example if you turned 18 on 2 Apr in one year then that year can still count towards the 5 Effective years as long as you do 15 days service and the same if you for example turned 20 and therefore left cadet service before the end of a training year If you had done 15 days that year could now many years later still count.

This would mean that the requirements for Ex Cadets who served till 20th birthday is in practice only 3 Years Uniformed CFAV service with depending on how many “training Years” their Cadet Service covered requiring potentially only 2 or 3 years “effective service”

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That’s the way that I read the DIN as well and although it doesn’t affect me. Personally it will affect a few people that I know in a positive way.

The interesting thing and it will probably only affect a handful of people if any, is that if you were a proper :sunglasses: pre-LASER review CWO you would only need 1 year of uniformed CFAV service to meet the criteria.

It does make sense to align it with the CFM, I’m actually pleasantly surprised that the MOD have thought it through properly.

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The ready reckoner confirms that broken service is allowed

Not exactly tied to the same as the CFM as the years run from 1st April - 31 March for everyone rather than the CFM which runs from your appointment iirc


Very interesting news re >O18 cadet service counting - however surely difficult to administer especially for those that have that service pre Bader?

Unfortunately this does close out the oversight in the QDJM DIN which potentially meant CI service could count for those now in uniform, as the ready recliner clearly states that only uniformed service can be used.

Could someone post the full DIN please?

Ah good stuff. Must admit I skimmed the ready reckoner.

The only difficulty really is the 2020/2021 days. Oddly we were told we couldn’t record our virtual parade nights as activities, at least at the start. I spent hours hosting virtual parade nights for a detachment commander who was less technically minded. I’d certainly be annoyed if they said “oh sorry, you didn’t so much that year”.

Im interested to see what happens to an individual who has been kept “active” by a wing but spent the majority of the past 3 years several thousand miles away from the Uk.


Guess it will be upto the WEXOs to draft a list and for Wing Commanders to approve it.

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Looks like I will get it, which means mounting / ribbon costs.

But shan’t complain if the math is done wrong, as would need my O18 service to make the 5.


I know one person who WONT be getting the gong anymore…



Even if that person hasnt been active?

I guess having a relative on wing staff helps.

Assuming you mean the Duke of York, he maybe - whilst he is not using his HRH title he still holds it, and the question will be is he’s still considered a member of the Royal Household. Don’t forget that staff at royal palaces etc are members of the Royal Household, (including Yeoman Warders at the Tower of London). So he may get one, however we will likely never see him in uniform again to know neither way.

The actual cluck… seriously?!

Ahhh gotta love this org… Nepotism at its finest.


If someone hasnt been active, then surely they wont meet the rules of having served x days per year etc etc.

But of course if Daddy is the Wing Commander then, I guess it’s irrelevant.

Can anyone remember how it worked for those who had to bring in other service ie regular/reserve or emergency service for the QDJM. What was the process? I’m assuming they will do the same for Over 18 Cadet Service?