Platinum Jubilee

And the simple line is “uniformed” hence why CI’s are excluded by PCSO’s are not. (I know Nurses wear a uniform but so do Gaolers and Telephone Operators and they don’t get it either).


I also believe that an element of the justification for giving the jubillee medals to uniformed cfavs is in recognition of the level of volunteering and commitment we have made.

… sits back and waits for world to implode around him as CIs disagree vehemently, as they too volunteer… (yet not so committed enough as to go into uniform)…


£7 million for the diamond jubilee medal apparently.

That meme just makes me sad.

Prison Officers will receive the medal


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Although I have just read that the RNLI where awarded the Golden Jubilee… not sure if they are cassed as Uniformed Volunteers although definately deserving of recognition.

A Police Gaoler and a Prison Officer aren’t the same thing.

Indeed very deserving, as would be the likes of Mountain Rescue in my book.

Do Border Force (or whatever it’s called these days) and the Coast Guard get them?

As a small child on a school trip I once fell in a water fountain at the barbican centre… I would have been grateful for their service. I had to drag myself out! 0/10 would not recommend.


Poxy phone


Funnily enough there was one of those Government Pettition and Governmebt Questions for the Immigration people to get one… dont know if anything came of it though.

Calling fountain rescue is so embarrassing. They milk it more than a dermatologist who’s just been paged.

I have never heard of this role - I assumed (perhaps wrongly) that Police Officers were responsible for cells in the Custody Officer role.

Just the public sector ones I believe, don’t think those Prison Officers working in private prisons are eligible unless the rules have changed.


Apparently the DIN is out on MODNET now and confirms 5 years aggregated service Inc uniformed CFAV. I don’t have access though so can’t confirm

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How big a break in service is considered too big?

Not sure but if it’s aggregated service then any break would be fine as long as you have 5 years total.

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Also appears to include Cadet Service over 18

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Oooh. In that case I’ll need to get a second miniature for my general jubilee medal collection.
Have you seen the DIN? @juliet_mike ?

This would be a huge change in precedence…