Platinum Jubilee

Volunteer cadet corps…

What is this?
How long have they been around and who are they affiliated to?

They are another MOD/RN recognised splishy splashy cadet force. I believe their CFAVs also get the CFM

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One of those random other Naval cadet forces.


Aren’t they the Marine Cadets?

Yeah pretty much

They do seem to spawn them dont they?

I was chatting with a police officer friend today - he told me that PCSOs that have completed five years service will be in line for the QPJM and were also eligible for the QDJM, further if a PCSO has become a constable their time as a PCSO is counted to the five years.

This to me just adds more weight to the argument that time spent as as a CI should count for those that are uniformed CFAV should count as here we have police staff that are civilians (not sworn constables), eligible.

PCSO’s aren’t classed as Police Staff in the same way that control room staff or administrators are, they are treated in the same bracket as Special Constables since they are front like. Staff. In the same way that the Ambulance Service doesn’t differentiate between Technicians and Paramedics.

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Just as CIs are ‘front line’ CFAV ? :neutral_face:

Key point being PCSOs and are in uniform…


Not in uniform they aren’t.

If there is a group who work on the frontline and who should get it, it’s A&E nurses not CI’s.


It’s not a King or Queen crown - that’s a mis-understanding. The new monarch can choose which crown they want to use for their reign - and I bet there will be a big push NOT to change to the imperial crown.

So IF i became king, could i choose one of the paper ones from Burger King

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You’ve been beaten by about 6 others.

How very eco-conscious of you

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Paper? They used to be card! Surely Burger King aren’t cost cutting like HMG?!?!?

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Maybe I could become a republican after all


He’d get to wear his own coat of arms on his rank slides then :slight_smile:

Why only A&E nurses? Why not all nurses?
Has a midwife dealing with a 12 hour shift juggling difficult pregnancies, or a cardiac nurse treating a long suffering patient any less worthy?
If all police do *and I guess fire and rescue service) do why not nurses?

There may not be a promise sworn to the monarch (although as CFAVs we don’t complete an attestation) by a nurse but they serve the country/population in no less a manner than the police do.
Seems wrong I get the medal for being a volunteer youth worker who happens to wear a “military” uniform yet nurses don’t

Because they are the ones most likely to face violence and assault.

There is a cost element involved and you can’t afford to give it to everyone employed by the NHS.

Is that the justification behind CFAVs being eligible too??

I say that tongue and cheek. I know what your saying but there will be cooks, admin/personnel staff, PTIs, drivers in the MOD who are unlikely to see much “front line” action who are eligible which doesn’t seem too different to a ward nurse

Yes there is costs to manage and the line needs to be drawn somewhere…but as an “attendance” medal seems a shame it isn’t more widely issued