Originally-proposed changes to RAFAC Wings / Flying badges : did this ever happen?

I think he was a Gunner… Cpl at most.

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Spots hidden under beards these days :grinning:

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Yes, in the old days (pre-2014) VGS adult staff had to complete GIC1-3, GS and AGS. On completion of GS/AGS, he would receive his cadet silver wings/gold wings - which he was perfectly entitled to wear, even if he had civvy wings. No new wings issued for G2, so had to wait until G1 before he received his adult wings.


Because Regt dress regs state officers in the RAFAC must have passed JROC and RAFAC SNCOs must have been a Sgt in the regt to wear them as a member of the RAFAC.

But guess this is now a thread drift


And who is running the regiment this week, it’s changed a number of times over the years.

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Not adult wings, nothing stopping a cadet wearing Grade 1 wings once they pass the test.

Why would a staff member wear cadet wings though…. They aren’t a cadet…. What am I missing?

I achieved my AGT as a cadet, I wouldn’t ever want to wear the wings as a staff member, don’t know why anyone would

If people are doing that then I agree it’s silly. And the next time a WO sees them I’m sure they’ll be spoken to

There’ll always be those that try to look like the real thing, nothing that can be done about it. The fairly legendary Walt from a certain not to be named VGS did at least bring some attention to it.

Just like the VGS classic of getting the ‘G’ wings in NATO low visibility black/green badge style to try and remove any possibility that they wouldn’t be confused with real RAF wings :person_facepalming:

wait what there has never been civ wings for CFAV have there

I was told by my CFI that I was entitled to wear them (40-something CFAV) when I completed the GS/AGS phase of my CGI training. I didn’t.

No, I meant that if the CFAV had civilian flying experience.


Not a problem now that the ACPNTS and the ACAEFC have been quietly dropped!


so this has confused me


here we’ve got a regular raf pilot holding with a vgs having completed eft. he’s not been awarded his raf wings yet, but he has been awarded the reserve pilot (glider) wings by completing viking training. so now we’ve got regular raf aircrew qualified to wear what were up to now rafac specific wings without having been a cfav glider pilot \ instructor :thinking:

Except they are volunteering with the VGS . . . so what’s the problem?


Not sure what you don’t get…

Service Instructor getting G1 wings…?

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Think they’ve always been permitted to wear them. Pretty sure I had a regular engineer officer wearing them and instructing on my GS

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I know of a RAF Sgt who wore RAFAC Gliding wings when in service.

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The gliding instructor wings are approved for those that earned them, regular or not. There are caveats in the grades you need to wear them once you’ve left the VGS (so the holding officer won’t be able to wear them later in his career unless he attains the more senior grade of B1).