New Formation Patch (TRF)

If you’re all getting a new patch then clearly us CIs need a new armband!

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Nah, sow it to the armband…

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But they say "R F AIR C DETS

Bird on an armband? Better be careful

Just had a thought - won’t all the QJLs complain that the new badge is too bright & needs to be taken off for fieldcraft?


My old wing has said that it is only one each. Not see any in my new wing yet.

Do they plan to open every packet to split them out then? :joy:

You absolutely know there are some people in this organisation that would do just that.


My understanding was that JLs qualified people to use crayons, so they could always colour the bird in.

That was my thought also.

The silver on our patch is brighter.

That’s the point of a Recognition flash. So we can assert our brilliance from distance.

But if you’re so brilliant why are you only silver & not gold? :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Because it’s JUNIOR Leaders.

Gold is for Senior Leaders.

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Never fear, fieldcraft and JL will be a thing of the past soon.

But, and with all respect to WWWWWO Corbin - that’s only HIS view on the subject. :heart_eyes: You show me where there is anything official saying the other must be removed? Or I’ll just send myself an email saying I can keep the old ones until I get the new ones :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats my output from.being briefed by the WO RAFAC :wink:

Again, i agree the logs update isnt the clearest and hopefully some clarification will be sourced soon.

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We’re 3 working days away from the alleged switch over. I’m flabbergasted that no-one has thought to get a grip on this yet - even WO RAFAC could just send out a blanket email to all and that would at least provide some clarity.

There’ll still then be difficult so-and-so’s, but it’d sort the majority out.

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Found a solution, keep old TRFs on, avoid all WOs as what they dont see doesn’t stir them. Simples :slight_smile:


The joys of not having any WOs


To be fair, the logs update has been amended to say that the old TRFs mustn’t be worn after 3rd July

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