New Formation Patch (TRF)

@Wizzle ?

All CFAVs who care.

I can do without ta :smiley:

Not seen anything down my command chain.

I’d carry on blissfully unaware, as I’ve not had an email to direct me to this logs update…or an email telling me that the uniform i have purchased now needs to change…

No details on when my badge(s) are being released…do i wait patiently with my sowing kit beside the door…waiting for a parcel to drop…or do i need to go to my Wing/Region to collect.

However, i am pleased to see a One RAFAC approach. Just needs better comms.

We’ve had 1 update so far, and all it says is we don’t need to buy the Green Frog ones. That’s it. No mention of dates nor of the mandatory nature of the switch.

I’ve come to think it is more sensible to continue to wear the (out of date) patch in lieu of the new one, rather than none. Especially in areas where there are other users.

The CCF I attend have only merely heard of it/seen it, but no details

The only reason I know anything about this change is this thread. Not a single peep through from any ‘official’ source.


If you take that logs update literally the RAF TRF is not mentioned so guess officers can keep their TRF on until some jobsworth realises the comms is sending out mixed signals, what could possibly go wrong.

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My squadron just got ours today, first in the Wing

Amazed we’ve received these before 3 July. Each little packet has two in them and enough for one pair each for uniformed staff and cdts issued to sqns from whq.


If we need extras, I wonder who will stock them? Cadet Direct?

Supposedly the supply chain.

Well, for the old one, we had to buy them! It wasn’t until it was said on this one that they were being issued, did I realise the old ones aere supposed to have too!

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It’d be quite amusing if someone submitted an FOI asking how much this changeover, including design work, has cost…


And yet, the logistics update says all CFAV.

But CIs don’t matter

CIs are the backbone of the organisation. Ask any senior ossifer.

I completely agree in reality. Was just trying to earn some ACC bingo points


Clearly CIs will need a pair as well for when they are wearing MTP on their SAAI Course or if Road Marching or acting as enemy with weapons.


Perhaps CIs could one that has the eagle but a white backing instead?


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