New Formation Patch (TRF)

Honestly no clue. I always wondered if they’ve said midday so they can do some kind of ceremonial change over for a PR thing?

Christ, don’t tell me they’re going to do a Sunset Parade as they ceremoniously remove one blanking patch and replace it with another…

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Well they are now. And will be calling it a coronation event for the medals.


Not according to that message above.

Technically there’s a 12 hour period where we can’t wear any TRF, as it has to be off before the 3rd. (I.e. 2359 2/7) and not worn until 1200?

I thought there was going to be a period where you could wear the old one if you hadn’t received the new one?


I’ve just dug it out as I’ve not fully digested my emails since being away last week.

This new badge must be worn from the 3rd July 2023 and replaces previous formation badges. The new formation badge is for all RAFAC Officers, SNCOs & Cadets (both ATC & CCF). On the 3rd July 2023 current TRFs must be removed regardless if you have the new badge or not

Your comms are clear … the IBN / Logs Update is not.

I was very much in a wear FROM Monday, replace once received :man_shrugging:

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Ive just adopted a pragmatic approach. Majority of CFAVs wont be at activities between 0000 and 1200 so just replace and wear from the 3rd

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Matbe it’s because we are getting further away from the RAF…

With the exception of the eye and tongue, I agree.

The rest of the bird is better, the background colours and thread type feels more contemporary, and the text is clearer and cleaner.

We seem to have a very hard and fast deadline of the 3rd of July to make the swap. If we don’t have the TRF in time advice is not to wear MTP until received and sewn on :person_shrugging:

Issued falcon looks better. But the green frog background looks better.
No one can get anything right

Which genius came up with this midday transfer anyway? Why do these people come up with these ideas?

I dont know?!

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Bound to be a WO

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The chance of me ever sewing these on is virtually zero given the likelihood of me wearing No.3 again now I’ve chinned off keeping my shooting quals current. I am quite enjoying not caring!

We’ve had no Comms about when these will be available or how we get them, aside from what was in the logs update.

I have some spare blank blanking plates so presume just ok to use those from Monday?

We have bad comms in RAFAC but they’ve truly outdone themselves in the comms for this piece. Zero evidence of effective Change Management.

I am going to remain optimistic and say that I hope they conduct a good lessons exercise and learn from it…

Maybe this Friday’s edition of the weekly news thing could include an article on this, and sort out the guessing? (albeit it’s a bit late…)

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I (and I suspect the whole of CCF unles @Farmerdan knows otherwise) have had nothing on this. Where’s the formal announcement? Can someone link from Sharepoint?

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That’s the only information that has been published from HQAC. There is supposedly something coming down via trickle-comms. This really needs an announcements sent to all CFAVs…

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