New Formation Patch (TRF)

As a little info… the green frog version is not the same as the issued patch…


Which is which?


Issued on the left (just sewed mine to the blanking patch) and the green frog on the right

Apparently my RHQ don’t have their issue yet.

Wow, they’re not even close to being the same…


I think I actually prefer the Green Frog version - The quality looks better and the the colours are slightly more defined, especially the As on the white version. Think I’ll contact Dave and order those ones.


We’ve had a very black-and-white email from our WWO, which is helpful:

  • The old Formation Patch is to be removed prior to 3 July 2023, as per previous direction.
  • The new formation patch is not to be worn until after 1200hrs on the 3 July 23.
  • If you are on a course or event and you do not have the new patches, the answer is, you do not wear any.

Of course. that’s not what the IBN says.

What IBN :rofl:?

Ah, so we’re making up rules now are we… :man_facepalming:

You mean HQAC Logs Update Notice, or similar. (An IBN would be too simple…)

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Oh yeah - one of those.

@themajor was my comms clear enough ha?

I’ve just had a catch up with a WSO. They’ve stated that the switch is to take place WEF the 3rd too, no RAF TRFs from the 3rd onwards.

Still yet to see anything written down to this effect.

Interestingly, the GreenFrog patch matches exactly the version in the Logistics Hub Update - and the issue version doesn’t - therefore the issue version is the unapproved version and the GreenFrog is the approved version.


Yeah, no, that’s not what the IBN HQAC Logs Update said.

It said you can’t wear the new one until midday on the third. It didn’t say you have to wear it, and it didn’t say you have to stop wearing the old ones. Just that you can’t wear the new one until then.

That’s my reading of it too - my current ones will stay until I get issued my new ones, as they are stitched it will leave a horrible square on my uniforms.

Why midday? What on earth is that about?

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Knowing HQ, someone probably meant to say midnight and forgot how to count.


I didn’t realise we count days in the same way as Nelson’s navy…

Although, a lot of other things make sense now.

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