New Formation Patch (TRF)

My old Wing every Squadron had a subdued squadron badge on the blanking plate. Be interesting to know of those units moved due to the RFCA stuff have been made to stop wearing them.

It’d be good to allow each squadron to have a subdued squadron crest badge in MTP. I think it would need to be the official badge though, just to prevent any ridiculous Micky taking.


We used to have unit/force identifiers above the pocket in DPM…

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Bit like this? Similar sort of size to sqn badges already on brassards and obviously with the new TRF


Makes quite a lot of sense.

Could have Wing TRF/Badges on the other plate and put the Sqn number underneath the Corps TRF like that.

Im pretty sure the CCF will still wear their own TRF.
Pointless exercise. Give cadets the same as the SNCOs or all move to RAF TRF as part of the whole force…

Ive heard that HQAC are now just referring to CFAVs as uniformed youth workers and nothing more. And it’s obvious with everything thats coming through (changing names of remuneration/pay/VA, changing the commission to remove anything military, rebranding rank slides for further disassociation despite everyone in the RAF knowing what the guild pins meant…)


GM wing already have their Bee

Edit: Although I havent seen many new cadets wearing it, I don’t know whether it’s still being issued.

So HQAC are formally referring to us as”workers”? Excellent - I will send them the bill for minimum wage & pension contributions.

Away from that we can’t be referred to as youth workers as we’re not formally qualified in youth work so it’s wrong ri refers to CFAVs as “uniformed youth workers” as it’s wrong on so many counts.


Just as long as you remember that it is absolutely in no way based on similar to the badge of the Selous Scouts.




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Even the IBN or whatever it was that came out didnt specifically state that Officers had to change theirs. (not that I’m anticipating that we can keep them).

RAFAC CLS excuse was ‘you arent trained members of the AF or soldiers and the RAF TRF identifies you as such’ I didnt get an answer to my ‘what about UAS’s and AEFs’ etc.

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They are reserve forces.


Thats correct. That wasnt part of their articulation however.

It was clearly part of their reason. They said we’re not part of the armed forces. Reservists are.

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So we can wear everything else that makes us look like the RAF, uniform, hat, cap badge, just not the TRF. Sounds a bit thin to me.

Careful, that kind of talk is how we end up in polo shirts and baseball caps!


you could say the same about the Army Vs RAF.

other than the beret and cap badge and TRF what difference is there?

The are we/aren’t comes down to whether the Armed Forces Act applies to us or not (which for 95% of the RAFAC it does not)

The response to a regular someone saying “you’re not part of the armed forces” is to reply “oh so that means we can’t be given a lawful order”

& then you watch how they squirm with the mental gymnastics as they try to have their cake & eat it.


Rekon its just a TRF…

Just wear it!?


Thats ok - I’ll just keep the RAF TRF because I AM a trained soldier.