New Formation Patch (TRF)

like this :slight_smile:

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Is that a Green Frog one? It looks like a Green From one… If so, it’s not authorised to wear, supposedly.

(I personally think they look better than the issued ones!)


way better than the issued…

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Outlines are way more defined. Background colour looks better. Bird is more detailed. And it’s missing the phallic design.


It’s not authorised for wear, yet I know over several of my Wing staff who have bought this and are wearing them.

There’s actually nowhere official (to my knowledge) where it says they cannot be worn. Yes, Corps WO has said they can’t via Teams, but that’s not an official documented regulation.

Where did you get that one from?

And I’d argue that the first set of dress regs had this version in it, as did the Logs “not and IBN” and it is still the example picture in dress regs.

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not seen where it says you cant…

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and still the on the Comdt’s twitter profile pic


It was mentioned on the VoP Teams channel

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This too is where I saw it mentioned that you can only wear the issued ones.

I think what’s actually happened here is a digital image of the patch was produced to get them made. This image was then used in the Logs Update. Someone has given this to Green Frog and they’ve made a perfect match of the digital image. The actual supplier has gone and made a naff version.


Have those been stitched on already? If so, they are in the wrong place. Should be affied centrally to the blanking blate, not at the top!


Oddly, I now cannot find that comment.

Hi [person], there isn’t an approved private purchase route currently. Therefore the items from Green Frog are not currently authorised for wear.

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Must have skimmed over it

Well, Im always one for following dress regs :wink:… so here you go ACP1358C v2.0 amended 7th of July…
Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 15.37.25

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If not email to WWO.@……… and complain

.j The TRF/ RAFAC Formation Badge is to be sewn centrally on the right blanking plate. The CCF Formation Badge is to be sewn centrally on the left blanking plate below the union flag emblem (see diagrams below). **Where badging plates already have the RAF TRF sewn on iaw AP1358 **
operational criteria they can remain in this position.
So as mine had them in that position, I read it as they can stay in that position - as that is where the material is less faded.

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Where are you getting these from? Asking for a friend… :rofl:

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