New Formation Patch (TRF)

I could not possibly cough greenfrog cough say

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They look better at the top anyway and are less likely to be obscured by rolled-up sleeves.

To be fair, don’t want a phallus poking out of your uniform.

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You can get into trouble for that

Ours goes on the left, under the Union Jack, so it’s further down and under the rolled-up sleeve anyway.

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And five years if the judge is having a bad day.

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Is there a very delayed echo in here? :rofl:

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Hardly central

The ATC does exceedingly well…

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Noticed a lot of posts around the place / different social media from cadets saying they only get one badge issued. Comments are too numerous to only be from one or two units.

Why isn’t this being gripped? Who’s stockpiling and why?


I thought Cadets did only get 1?

2 each, wings should be pulling numbers of staff and cadets from sms

2 each. For all uniformed CFAV and cadets.

Seen here.

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Each pack we received had two badges in - maybe no one is opening them up?

Many of our cadets only have one PCS shirt and no smock, so issuing two badges would serve no purpose other than getting one of them lost.

All cadets are entitled to two, if they have an extra shirt or smock, but we’re stockpiling those that aren’t currently required: otherwise how would the next intake get any in September?

I’m sure that HQ have a suitable plan in place for supply of badges to new personnel. (I can’t keep a straight face whilst typing this)

Please don’t do that expecting forward planning.


Exactly what i did. And was super pain free


However many we’re scaled for, not a peep out of my Wing so still wearing the old one. And i wont change until i get my allocation…

And now the rumour mill has it that they’re being discontinued.

Find it hard to believe, but it’s being put about by staff on social media…

Well done HQ. A simple badge release and can’t even get that right…
No wonder we’ve banned drinking, we couldn’t organise the proverbial drinking party in a brewery.