New Formation Patch (TRF)

I like to compare it to the SAS cap badge. They have the winged dagger, we’re the Winged Cocks.

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FOI basically rejected because it’s not a TRF, it’s a formation patch… How ridiculous. They even referred to the Formation Patch in the FOI, so knew exactly what the person asking was on about!


Well that’s just asking for a resubmission…

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The FOI team haven’t outright rejected it, they’ve asked for clarification. But it’s just a complete waste of time. They know what was meant by the initial FOI. It would save time and money if they just gave the information in the initial stage.


In dealing with FOU requests you have to be exact in your replies as you cannot assume what the submitter intends.

If they went & released information regarding the cadet formation badge & not the TRF then they wouldn’t have answered the FOI & the submitter may be able to go back that the FOI was not answered within legal timeframe, resulting in a fine.

On the other hand, if there is a separate approved cadet forces TRF but HQAC wants us to use the formation badge instead (e.g. the official TRF for all cadets is the CCF badge with service specific colour backing) then they don’t want to release that information when they are pushing their own badge.

The only time you don’t have to be specific is when the data is about you and then you get everything (or meant to buy trying to avoid a data subject access request is a massive no-no)

But there is no other TRF or formation badge to be confused with here. They said it them selves:

The Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) has not issued a new Tactical Recognition Flash (TRF). However, in 2022 a new RAF Air Cadet Formation Patch was approved and has been eligible to be worn by all RAFAC Officers, Adult Warrant Officers and Senior Non-Commissioned Officers and Cadets, since 3 July 2023.

There’s no ambiguity on what the FOI was related to. There is no RAFAC TRF, only a formation patch, so nothing to be confused about.

I have seen multiple times before where the FOI team says something to the effect of "X doesn’t exists but [things similar to X with a slightly different name] does exist and we will assume this is what you are referring to.

Yes, they can push back and ask for clarification, but in this case it is 100% obvious what was being asked for.

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The MOD though is notorious for being anal on FOIs. Think they hope that 50% of people won’t bother responding to the request for clarification and as a result they don’t have to actually look for the information

You need to think like a computer with FOIs & do 1s & 0s - if they have the info they will publish, if they don’t they won’t.

It’s like if you asked them for the total number of chair inventoried to the MoD they will tell you but won’t include the number of stools, sofas or chaise lounges.

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Anyone have the NSN for a chaise lounges? Asking for a friend


it’s made it onto Reddit :rofl:
/r/aircadets - These are pretty cool


I think Reddit is killing it’s self given what’s going on with r/place right now…

How has it brought us closer ?
It has just defaced the RAF TRF !

Because a defaced RAF TRF is a lot closer to the RAF TRF than what cadets and CFAV WOs and SNCOs used to wear.



We can (rightfully) ridicule the design and roll-out until the cows come home, but we now have one emblem for one organisation, rather than having 3 different ones, some of which were barely ever worn, which were confusing for anyone outside the organisation who didn’t have prior RAFAC experience.

Its implementation may have left much to be desired, but it was the right idea.


I think this has to be the defining feature of the RAFAC over the last 10 years


Meh, give it five years & his one will end up being hardly worn as well.

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Especially as we’re only being scaled for two of them. And many people are only getting one, not even two!

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Thats local BS though.

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Which the RAFAC does exceedingly well.


So most green uniform is private purchase or begged, borrowed or acquired through other dubious means…
… and most items I see do not have blanking patches…

So no patch, no badge maybe…
… or do we make them purchase the patches as well