I agree. The ATC cap badge should be replaced with a RAFAC one: just like the RAF enlisted aviator badge but with ‘RAFAC’ rather than ‘RAF’ (just like the silver and gold flying badges). This should then be used by CCF (RAF) as well as the ATC.
Edit: You could also replace the crown with an Astral crown.
If this badge had a heraldic description, do you think it would be something like:
“of colours, vertical, of royal blue, light blue and carmine red to represent a force of the air but covered partial emblematically; signifying the distance between. Emblazoned with a cockatrice to symbolise the sin of HQAC and with a cock, rampant to signify vigilance, virility and bravery”
With a tip of the hat to the College of Heralds.
I’ll get me coat before my bank account gets closed.