New Formation Patch (TRF)

Ultimately, if corporate identity is so difficult to communicate, you want as few variations as possible.

RAF cap badges, RAF TRF, RAF branding, let the cadet specific bits (and average age and size of human) speak for themselves.

If they’re now the RAFAC on every bit of branding, throwing other bits in is just confusing the messaging.

You literally can’t have this both ways.


I agree. The ATC cap badge should be replaced with a RAFAC one: just like the RAF enlisted aviator badge but with ‘RAFAC’ rather than ‘RAF’ (just like the silver and gold flying badges). This should then be used by CCF (RAF) as well as the ATC.

Edit: You could also replace the crown with an Astral crown.

I’d stick with RAF.

Again, don’t confuse things.

Also, whenever I see “RAFAC”, it looks cramped and isn’t elegant.

“RAF AIR CADETS” on rank slides works. “RAFAC” on pins and badges, doesn’t.

Again, it’s “excuse me, what’s a RAFAC?”

Fair point. CADET on rank slides for under 18s would make that acceptable for ATC and RAF (CCF) cadets to wear.

That assumes the contractual agreement goes through?

As for charity monies being used, what benefits do this purchase bring to cadets?

You’ll be sad when you find out how much RAFAC flying £20k buys you…


To be fair I didn’t specify what type of flying

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Paper aeroplanes?

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Risk assessments on paper cuts? Plus we’re trying to become a paper free organisation.

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Is there a generic sewing risk assessment and a manual on the proper use of a thimble?

I think this question should be a new thread otherwise you’re likly to get a patchwork of answers…. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We’ve finally received our issue. We’ve been told to issue a pair to each staff member and a single TRF to each cadet…

Has anyone else been told the same?

Push back. HQ have made clear there is to be 2 issued to every uniformed member of the RAFAC. Staff and cadets should get a pair per person.

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By whom?

Regions have been told to tell wings to not stock pile also, because apparently some have been.

Comms are clear 2 trfs for every CFAV and Cadet

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Taxi for Mr @Chief_Tech …Taxi for Mr @Chief_Tech

WHQ. Apparently that’s what we’ve been issued

If this badge had a heraldic description, do you think it would be something like:

“of colours, vertical, of royal blue, light blue and carmine red to represent a force of the air but covered partial emblematically; signifying the distance between. Emblazoned with a cockatrice to symbolise the sin of HQAC and with a cock, rampant to signify vigilance, virility and bravery”

With a tip of the hat to the College of Heralds.

I’ll get me coat before my bank account gets closed.

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Todays line from the good book of ACC is taken from cock, rampant, chapter 3 verses 1 to 5…

Challenge. Reference the logistic update