New Formation Patch (TRF)

Had mine handed to me last week and immediately threw them in the bin. You should have seen the faces.

I will never, ever, wear the badge of what is now the ‘RAF Co*k Cadets’. It’s rubbish and it’s taking the mick.

I’ll stick with my mudguards and parachute wings, thank you very much.


There’s nothing that stops you wearing para wings or mud guards still. I’d have thought, as ex-Regiment, you’d recognise the importance of setting an example to cadets and other staff with a high standard of uniform. The standard of uniform for RAFAC staff includes the new badge.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there weren’t quite a few long serving VRT officers who see it as another kick in the nads.

I doubt I will ever wear it, but mainly because I don’t even have a set of MTP anymore :rofl:

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There’s always a few people wearing the uniform for their ego rather than the right reasons, sadly. Not all ex-VRT are like that of course.

AT has it’s own uniform standards of course. Walking trousers, wicking top and gilet :laughing:

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God I love a Gillet, drives the Missus nuts


Well, if you’re a CI, then what you wear during AT is also now dictated to you in ACP 1358! Apparently I need to wear walking trousers and sturdy boots for AT according to the book! Doesn’t differentiate… Going to be uncomfortable in a kayak!

Brought to you by the same Biftas who decided No3A needed dedicated T-Shirt colours despite most units having had T-Shirts for decades.

If they want my shorts and walking shoes they can come and prise them off me!

I suppose I could attach my TRF to my daysack, but that’s as likely as me using the DofE assessors card attachment.


I doubt I’ll wear it either but that’s because I wear barrack shirts & to be honest I can’t be bothered with the sewing.

I’ll take off the old one but I won’t replace.


it also says “clothing suitable for task” so i think you’d be a fool to read “sturdy boots” as a mandatory expectation for all AT regardless if it is trekking, cycling, rock climbing or canoeing…

If it wasn’t so ‘mickey mouse’ I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I have to question why we need a TRF at all. It’s not as though we’re deployable so why do we need a ‘Tactical Recognition Flash’?

Even so, MTP is private purchase for the vast majority of us and when CRAFAC decides to issue me sets at public expense, then he can tell me what to wear on it. Until then, my right arm will not display the penile chicken badge.


I’ve just taken the blanking plates off for now.

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Well we still haven’t had any, so they’re not going to be worn any time soon.

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I’ll just put blanking plates without the TRF on my smock and remove the RAF TRF from my barrack shirts. I’m told that this whole badge farce has cost upwards of £20k. That’s £20k+ that could have been better spent on things the ATC actually needs.


Fixed that for you :grinning:

That’s what I’ll do as soon as I can get blank blanking plates.

And yes it does feel like another step to distancing us from the parent service, even if it was done with best of intentions.

What makes it worse if what I’ve heard is true it was not public money but GPF charity money (ie subs ) as public purse ain’t paying for them till next financial year due to contractual processes MOD needs to go through. At which point they will be paid for from the public purse going forwards but the first batch ie what’s been delivered to WHQ have been paid for with charity money.

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The whole Corps is being told that money is tight and that we all need to pull our belts in; and then they decide to commission and issue a badge, that’s both expensive AND non-essential.

A friend of mine (also ex-Regt) said that a 4 year old on LSD could have done a better job of the design.


For cadets and CFAV WOs and SNCOs, I would argue the new patch brings us a lot closer to the parent service.


There was talk of post VRT swapping SNCOs / WOs to the RAF TRF. I don’t know why that didn’t happen. Would have been far easier from a logistics point of view.


I think having a single patch for cadets as well is a much more inclusive solution. If they were to wear the RAF TRF as well then some other form of distinction would be required. Personally, I would favour CADET on rank slides like all the other cadet forces have.