New Formation Patch (TRF)

And thinking about it even further, this was coming right from the start, because the Logs update image was the one now on pg 153, so I should have said what I said a lot sooner.

Don’t know about that. They generally manage the concept of “planes must fly”, “ships must float”, etc. “Rifles must fire” was forgotten a little bit back in the L85 A1 days, but I don’t think “arms shouldn’t be adorned with biological embellishments” and “images should be central” should be too much of a stretch to expect.

Sat with a friend, both of us ex ATC, and showed him the TRF, cue hysterical laugher and that was only after three pints of Stella Artois.

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Same with sober friends at the weekend.

Commandants Twitter is more defined

Because that’s what should have been made. But we ended up with a GCSE D&T project instead.

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Because of the poor distribution, my Sqn only got our new flashes last night. So i was up till 2 AM sewing them on in prep for the Nijmegan marches :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:

Your distribution is better than mine, I am leaving for to Nijmegen today and I have not had any. So no sowing for me.

You’re lucky you’re going!


i’m lucky with how i’m getting there too :wink:

so if i see a member of staff with an old TRF on the jet i’ll now it’s you :joy:

Na, we will be in civvies on the flight, I will have my old TRF for the marches…

are you setting off from Brize?

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I love how well the new TRF stands out against MTP.

at least the rolled up sleeves covers his modesty! :laughing:


Departing to BZZ tonight.

In the unique way that HQAC organises transport. I will be making the 2 hour trip to Brize in 7 hours via Surrey


Eh? And words

In the early days of the ATC, workshop practice was a part of the curriculum.
The coats were brown warehouse coats for use in workshops, rather than white lab coats.

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Lovely, but new TRF?

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Here is the replacement?